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Collection of react hooks
React Hooks
This is a collection of frequently used react hooks to support development within baidu, contributions from community are also welcomed.
Project structure
This is a typical pnpm workspace based monorepo, each hook creates a package in packages
folder, the folder name is dash-cased and without the use
Package name must comform a format of @huse/foo-bar
Each package should named export at least one hook like:
import {useInputValue} from '@huse/input-value';
Unit tests are recommended, they are placed inside src/__tests__
folder with an extension of .test.js
, we highly recommend a 100% of branch coverage.
By now we are unable to publish document online since docz build
fails, you can find description to package in its
, or to start a document site locally.
pnpm install
npm run doc:dev
Open http://localhost:3000
to view documents about hooks.
All hooks
Hook | Description |
useActionPending | Add a pending indicator to any async function |
useBoolean | Methods to control a boolean state |
useSwitch | More convenient way to use boolean state |
useToggle | More convenient way to toggle boolean state or setState directly |
useClickOutside | Trigger callback when clicks outside a specific element |
useArray | Methods to control array state |
useSet | Methods to control Set state |
useMap | Methods to control Map state |
useDebouncedEffect | Debounce an effect on value change |
useDebouncedValue | Debounce a value change |
useDebouncedCallback | Debounce a callback function |
useRenderTimes | Return times of component rendered |
useChangeTimes | Return times of a value changed |
useUpdateCause | Observe the cause of component update |
useDerivedState | Derive a state from external prop |
useDocumentEvent | Add listeners to document 's event |
useDocumentTitle | Change document.title |
useEffectRef | More reliable function based ref with clean-up ability |
useElementResize | Trigger callback when element resize |
useElementSize | Return element's size |
useHover | Observe mouse enter and leave to element |
useImmerReducer | A useReducer with immer support (deprecated) |
useImmerState | A useState with immer support (deprecated) |
useInfiniteScroll | Encapsulate methods and props to implement infinite scroll |
useInputValue | Bound a value and it's change handler to input element |
useOnScreenCallback | Trigger callback when element intersects with viewport |
useOnScreen | Return whether element intesects with viewport |
useOnScreenLazyValue | Lazy initialize a value when it intersects with viewport |
useLocalStorage | Visit and update local storage |
useMedia | Return whether a media query is currently matched |
usePreferDarkMode | Return whether user prefers dark color scheme |
useMergedRef | Merge multiple ref into a single one |
useMethodsNative | Wrap methods around a state |
useMethodsExtensionNative | Wrap methods around a setState function |
useMethods | useMethodsNative with immer support |
useMethodsExtension | useMethodsNative with immer support |
useOnLine | Return user is current online of offline |
useCounter | Methods to control a number state with increment and decrement |
usePerformanceTiming | Collect performance data and send to callback |
useLayoutTiming | Collect timings of a component's layout |
usePoll | Periodically trigger an async function and manage its response |
usePreviousValue | Get previous version of a value |
usePreviousEquals | Return whether a value is equals to that on previous render |
useOriginalCopy | Track back a value to get a reference equals copy when content are identical |
useOriginalDeepCopy | useOriginalCopy with deep equal support |
useRequestCallback | Return a function to trigger request with its data, error and pending state |
useRequest | Trigger request on params change and return its data, error and pending state |
useScript | Load an external script |
useScriptSuspense | Load an external script with suspense |
useScrollIntoView | Scroll an element into viewport |
useScrollLock | Lock scroll of document |
useScrollPosition | Get current scroll top and left |
useScrollTop | Get current scroll top |
useScrollLeft | Get current scroll left |
useSelection | Manage state to work with list selection, including multiple and range selection |
useSnapshotState | Get a state with undo and redo support |
useTimeout | Trigger callback after specified time |
useInterval | Trigger callback periodically |
useStableInterval | useInterval but counts ellapsed time of function execution, both sync and async |
useTransitionState | A state which will revert back to its initial value when updated |
useForceUpdate | Force update a component |
useWindowSize | Get the size of window |
useOptimisticFactory | Infrastructure hook to create optimistic state |
useOptimisticState | Optimistic state |
useOptimisticTask | Wrap async task to have optimistic result |
useUserMedia | Open video and audio streams in browser |
useNavigate | Get a function to navigate to any location |
useLocationState | Wrap location's state into a react state |
useSearchParams | Parse search string to URLSearchParams as well as a function to update search |
useSearchParam | Get a single search param |
useSearchParamAll | Get a single search param as array |
useUpdateSearchParams | Get a function to update search params |
useSearchParamState | Wrap a single search param into a react state |
useWebSocket | Create a web socket connecting to specified url |