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Eclipse Transformer provides tools and runtime components that transform Java binaries, such as individual class files and complete JARs and WARs, mapping changes to Java packages, type names, and rel...

Results 35 transformer issues
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Ref: /org.eclipse.transformer/src/main/java/org/eclipse/transformer/ // TODO: Need a better way to handle errors. // // (1) Having element actions throw an exception while // having container actions count failures makes for //...


Additional review is needed of these test changes: Ref: /org.eclipse.transformer/src/test/java/transformer/test/ // TODO: // // Previously, only [5] direct replacements were made. // // With the direct string update modifications, [14]...


Ref: /org.eclipse.transformer.cli/src/main/java/org/eclipse/transformer/cli/ // TODO: Usual command line usage puts SysOut and SysErr together, which // results in the properties writing out twice. private void preInitDisplay(String message) { PrintStream useSysOut =...


Ref: /org.eclipse.transformer.bnd.analyzer/src/main/java/org/eclipse/transformer/bnd/analyzer/ // TODO: Still figuring out the best pattern for action and transformer // construction. ActionSelector actionSelector = transformer.getActionSelector(); Action.ActionInitData initData = transformer.getActionInitData(); boolean overwrite = options.hasOption(AppOption.OVERWRITE); AnalyzerAction analyzerAction...


## Environment Details * Transformer Version: 0.5.0 * JDK version: openjdk 11.0.12 * OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 ## Problem Description By adding validation of input values, I want...

For Jakarta Batch, I was wondering about rule(s) that would transform XML from the Java/Jakarta EE 8 XSD to the Jakarta EE 9 format. A typical transform of a batch...


These error messages should be made more descriptive: ``` error("Syntax error found non-white-space character before equals sign in version [{}]", packageText); error("Syntax error, package version does not have closing quotation...


I'm unable to figure out how to run the transformer. The word "Transformer" in `Transformer inputFile outputFile [ options ... ]` is ambiguous. I've tried to use @tbitonti's presentation like...


Perhaps my Google-fu simply blows, but I have been unable to find decent documentation/examples of running the transformer from the command line. All doc/examples I have been able to find...


For better consumability, the transformer should be invokable as a gradle plugin, with suitable extensions that replace current command line options.
