paho.mqtt.python copied to clipboard
Code for multiple clients - Is there any possible error that disconnects a client after a while?
Hi, Im trying to create multiple clients that connect to an IoT platform that is hosted in a remote linux machine. I have already managed to get the code working with 200 clients. However, when I try to increase the number (1000 clients), I get some rc=3 (this number varies) and some of the clients end up disconnecting. I dont know if there is something in the code that causes these behaviours (I cant tell if Im doing something wrong).
Any suggestions with my code?
Thanks in advance
import multiprocessing
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import time
import threading
import logging
import math
import thingsboard_objects as Things
import random
import datetime
import numpy as np
import sys
init_time = time.time()
disconnected = 0
def Connect(client, broker, port, token, keepalive, run_forever=False):
connflag = False
delay = 5
print("connecting ",client)
badcount = 0 # counter for bad connection attempts
while not connflag:
print("connecting to broker " + str(broker)))
# print("connecting to broker "+str(broker)+":"+str(port))
print("Attempts ", str(badcount))
client.connect(broker, port, keepalive)
connflag = True
#client.badconnection_flag = True"connection failed " + str(badcount))
#badcount += 1
#if badcount >= 3 and not run_forever:
# return -1
# raise SystemExit # give up
return 0
def wait_for(client, msgType, period=1, wait_time=15, running_loop=False):
"""Will wait for a particular event gives up after period*wait_time, Default=10
seconds.Returns True if succesful False if fails"""
# running loop is true when using loop_start or loop_forever
client.running_loop = running_loop #
wcount = 0
while True:"waiting" + msgType)
if msgType == "CONNACK":
if client.on_connect:
if client.connected_flag:
return True
if client.bad_connection_flag: #
return False
if msgType == "SUBACK":
if client.on_subscribe:
if client.suback_flag:
return True
if msgType == "MESSAGE":
if client.on_message:
if client.message_received_flag:
return True
if msgType == "PUBACK":
if client.on_publish:
if client.puback_flag:
return True
if not client.running_loop:
client.loop(.01) # check for messages manually
wcount += 1
if wcount > wait_time:
print("return from wait loop taken too long")
return False
return True
def client_loop(client, broker, port, token, keepalive=600, loop_function=None,
loop_delay=10, run_forever=False):
"""runs a loop that will auto reconnect and subscribe to topics
pass topics as a list of tuples. You can pass a function to be
called at set intervals determined by the loop_delay
client.run_flag = True = broker
print("running loop ")
client.reconnect_delay_set(min_delay=1, max_delay=12)
while client.run_flag: # loop forever
if client.bad_connection_flag:
if not client.connected_flag:
print("Connecting to " + broker)
if Connect(client, broker, port, token, keepalive, run_forever) != -1:
if not wait_for(client, "CONNACK"):
client.run_flag = True # break no connack
else: # connect fails
client.run_flag = False # break
print("quitting loop for broker ", broker)
if client.connected_flag and loop_function: # function to call
loop_function(client, loop_delay) # call function
print("disconnecting from", broker)
if client.connected_flag:
client.connected_flag = False
def on_log(client, userdata, level, buf):
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
if rc == 0:
client.connected_flag = True # set flag
for c in clients:
#print("connected OK")
print("Bad connection Returned code=", rc)
file1 = open("bad_connections.txt","a")#append mode
file1.write("Bad connection Returned code=%s \n" % rc)
def on_disconnect(client, userdata, rc):
client.connected_flag = False # set flag
print("client disconnected ok")
def on_publish(client, userdata, mid):
print("In on_pub callback mid= ", mid)
def pub(client, loop_delay):
rmd_current = round(random.uniform(0.6, 50.0), 2)
rmd_pressure = round(random.uniform(0.6, 50.0), 2)
global init_time
if time.time() - init_time >= 3600:
rmd_mnc = round(random.uniform(5.0, 30.0), 2)
rmd_sdc = round(random.random(), 2)
rmd_mnp = round(random.uniform(5.0, 30.0), 2)
rmd_sdp = round(random.random(), 2)
'{"Current": "%s","Pressure": "%s","Str": "12341","Stp": "12340","AL1": "~","AL2": "~",'
'"AL3": "~","AL4": "~","AL5": "~","AL6": "~","AL7": "~","AL8": "~"}' % (rmd_current, rmd_pressure))
'{"MnC": "%s", "SdC": "%s", "Str": "2554","Stp": "2554", '
'"MnP": "%s", "SdP": "%s"}' % (rmd_mnc, rmd_sdc, rmd_mnp, rmd_sdp))
init_time = time.time()
'{"Current": "%s","Pressure": "%s","Str": "12341","Stp": "12340","AL1": "~","AL2": "~",'
'"AL3": "~","AL4": "~","AL5": "~","AL6": "~","AL7": "~","AL8": "~"}' % (rmd_current, rmd_pressure))
def Create_connections(n_clients, threads):
for i in range(len(n_clients)):
cname = "client-" + n_clients[i]["name"]
t = int(time.time())
client_id = cname + str(t) # create unique client_id
client = mqtt.Client(client_id) # create new instance
n_clients[i]["client"] = client
n_clients[i]["client_id"] = client_id
n_clients[i]["cname"] = cname
broker_p = n_clients[i]["broker"]
port = n_clients[i]["port"]
token = n_clients[i]["token"]
client.on_connect = on_connect
client.on_disconnect = on_disconnect
client.on_publish = on_publish
#client.on_message = on_message
t = threading.Thread(target=client_loop, args=(client, broker_p, port, token, 600, pub))
def main_loop(clients_loop):
mqtt.Client.connected_flag = False # create flag in class
mqtt.Client.bad_connection_flag = False # create flag in class
threads = []
print("Creating Connections ")
no_threads = threading.active_count()
print("current threads =", no_threads)
print("Publishing ")
Create_connections(clients_loop, threads)
print("All clients connected ")
no_threads = threading.active_count()
print("current threads =", no_threads)
print("starting main loop")
while True:
no_threads = threading.active_count()
print("current threads =", no_threads)
for c in clients_loop:
if not c["client"].connected_flag:
print("broker ", c["broker"], " is disconnected" , c["name"])
file2 = open("disconnects.txt","a")#append mode
file2.write("broker %s is disconnected %s \n" % (c["broker"], c["name"]))
#sys.exit("A connection was dropped")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
for c in clients_loop:
c["client"].run_flag = False
if __name__ == '__main__':
# In case the user is using a demo version or local version of thingsboard
things_location = input("What type of thingsboard installation are you working with (demo/local)? ")
if things_location == "demo":
type_install = ""
header = Things.get_credentials(things_location)
elif things_location == "local":
computer = input("Which computer? ")
type_install = "" % computer
broker = "" % computer
header = Things.get_credentials("local", type_install)
print("Error: Installation not supported")
my_devices = Things.get_devices_id(header, type_install)
clients = []
for device in my_devices:
device_info = {"broker": broker, "port": 1883, "name": device["name"],
"token": Things.get_device_token(device["id"]["id"], header, type_install)}
if len(clients) >= 200:
print("Splitting devices to multiprocess")
split_by = math.ceil(len(clients) / 250)
split_clients = np.array_split(clients, split_by)
jobs = []
for idx, client_portion in enumerate(split_clients):
print("Starting process for portion %s" % (idx + 1))
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=main_loop, args = (client_portion,))
for job in jobs:
print("Ending process")
Also, is there any reason or possible explanation of why when publishing two messages(data) one after another, the second one doesnt arrive?
For example, using the 200 clients sending data every 10 seconds, the following part is sent every hour:
'{"Current": "%s","Pressure": "%s","Str": "12341","Stp": "12340","AL1": "~","AL2": "~",'
'"AL3": "~","AL4": "~","AL5": "~","AL6": "~","AL7": "~","AL8": "~"}' % (rmd_current, rmd_pressure))
'{"MnC": "%s", "SdC": "%s", "Str": "2554","Stp": "2554", '
'"MnP": "%s", "SdP": "%s"}' % (rmd_mnc, rmd_sdc, rmd_mnp, rmd_sdp))
However, I sometimes see that the second message (data) doesnt arrive for all clients and if it does, the interval is not every hour.
Apologies for the huge delay in responding (trying to clean up old issues on this repo).
Firstly I'd appreciate it if you could confirm you are still having this issue (quite possible you have moved onto another solution or updates to the library have resolved the issue).
I get some rc=3 (this number varies) and some of the clients end up disconnecting
Can you please confirm which function is returning the error (or is it a mix?) and also the frequency that this is occurring (you would expect some connection loss over time; especially with 1000+ connections).
I'll leave it there for now - note that if there is no response in a month we will close this off.
Closing due to age/lack of activity.