paho.mqtt.python copied to clipboard
Hi, How do I configure TLS-PSK for use with paho.mqtt.python? tls_set does not have arguments for PSK options.
You can try SSLContext() API derivated from sspsk package, see in some way like this:
context = SSLPSKContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS)
context.psk = (b'1234', bytes("1234", encoding="utf-8"))
It works for me with an additional patch for sslpsk
to work with python3.8
Hello @gennadykr could you share your patch to sslpsk? I tried this and drbild/sslpsk#19 with which works with 3.8, but no success.
Hello @pavel-ch , this is not a patch but steps how I use this. I change sslpsk just to let it work with python 3.8. Then I place the code suggested in drbild/sslpsk#19 in my script file.
- Dockerfile part:
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install --assume-yes --no-install-recommends \
python3 python3-pip python3-venv \
build-essential libssl-dev python3-dev \
&& apt-get clean
- requirements part
- Another Dockerfile part
RUN sed -i "s|sys.version_info >= (3, 5)|sys.version_info == (3, 5)|g" \
- A Python script parts
- import:
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import ssl
from sslpsk.sslpsk import _ssl_set_psk_server_callback, _ssl_set_psk_client_callback
- drbild/sslpsk#19 part with SSLPSKContext re-definition
- using this SSLPSKContex:
context = SSLPSKContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS)
context.psk = (b'1234', bytes("1234", encoding="utf-8"))
client = mqtt.Client(...)
Hello Gennady thank you, this looks like an equivalent of what I did with sslpsk2. I was getting ssl3 handshake error, maybe I am wrong with setting psk. How your mosquitto (I guess you use it) config and psk files look like? How it corresponds with psk tuple? Thanks.
No, I didn't check it with mosquitto server. But I saw handshake problems and this is the reason I added context.set_ciphers('PSK')
and tried to work with the more recent Python - otherwise it was unable to find PSK ciphers and failed with a handshake. What kind of ssl error did you see? Missed ciphers lead to TLSV1_ALERT_INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY error. I used print(context.get_ciphers())
to check presence of PSK ciphers.
I am getting
[SSL: SSLV3_ALERT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER] sslv3 alert illegal parameter (_ssl.c:1108)
when I have the mosquitto configured to 1234:1234 in mosquitto.psk file (identificatio:psk format), or
[SSL: SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE] sslv3 alert handshake failure (_ssl.c:1108)
when mosquitto is not configured 'properly'
I must look into the handshake, no clue why SSLV3 is chosen.
print(context.get_ciphers()) returns a lot of ciphers:
[{'id': 50336514, 'name': 'TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.3', 'description': 'TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 TLSv1.3 Kx=any Au=any Enc=AESGCM(256) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aes-256-gcm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-any', 'auth': 'auth-any'}, {'id': 50336515, 'name': 'TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.3', 'description': 'TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 TLSv1.3 Kx=any Au=any Enc=CHACHA20/POLY1305(256) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'chacha20-poly1305', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-any', 'auth': 'auth-any'}, {'id': 50336513, 'name': 'TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.3', 'description': 'TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 TLSv1.3 Kx=any Au=any Enc=AESGCM(128) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aes-128-gcm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-any', 'auth': 'auth-any'}, {'id': 50331821, 'name': 'RSA-PSK-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'RSA-PSK-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2 Kx=RSAPSK Au=RSA Enc=AESGCM(256) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aes-256-gcm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-rsa-psk', 'auth': 'auth-rsa'}, {'id': 50331819, 'name': 'DHE-PSK-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'DHE-PSK-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2 Kx=DHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=AESGCM(256) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aes-256-gcm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-dhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50384046, 'name': 'RSA-PSK-CHACHA20-POLY1305', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'RSA-PSK-CHACHA20-POLY1305 TLSv1.2 Kx=RSAPSK Au=RSA Enc=CHACHA20/POLY1305(256) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'chacha20-poly1305', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-rsa-psk', 'auth': 'auth-rsa'}, {'id': 50384045, 'name': 'DHE-PSK-CHACHA20-POLY1305', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'DHE-PSK-CHACHA20-POLY1305 TLSv1.2 Kx=DHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=CHACHA20/POLY1305(256) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'chacha20-poly1305', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-dhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50384044, 'name': 'ECDHE-PSK-CHACHA20-POLY1305', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'ECDHE-PSK-CHACHA20-POLY1305 TLSv1.2 Kx=ECDHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=CHACHA20/POLY1305(256) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'chacha20-poly1305', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-ecdhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380971, 'name': 'DHE-PSK-AES256-CCM8', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'DHE-PSK-AES256-CCM8 TLSv1.2 Kx=DHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=AESCCM8(256) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aes-256-ccm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-dhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380967, 'name': 'DHE-PSK-AES256-CCM', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'DHE-PSK-AES256-CCM TLSv1.2 Kx=DHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=AESCCM(256) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aes-256-ccm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-dhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380911, 'name': 'RSA-PSK-ARIA256-GCM-SHA384', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'RSA-PSK-ARIA256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2 Kx=RSAPSK Au=RSA Enc=ARIAGCM(256) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aria-256-gcm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-rsa-psk', 'auth': 'auth-rsa'}, {'id': 50380909, 'name': 'DHE-PSK-ARIA256-GCM-SHA384', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'DHE-PSK-ARIA256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2 Kx=DHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=ARIAGCM(256) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aria-256-gcm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-dhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50331817, 'name': 'PSK-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'PSK-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2 Kx=PSK Au=PSK Enc=AESGCM(256) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aes-256-gcm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50384043, 'name': 'PSK-CHACHA20-POLY1305', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'PSK-CHACHA20-POLY1305 TLSv1.2 Kx=PSK Au=PSK Enc=CHACHA20/POLY1305(256) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'chacha20-poly1305', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380969, 'name': 'PSK-AES256-CCM8', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'PSK-AES256-CCM8 TLSv1.2 Kx=PSK Au=PSK Enc=AESCCM8(256) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aes-256-ccm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380965, 'name': 'PSK-AES256-CCM', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'PSK-AES256-CCM TLSv1.2 Kx=PSK Au=PSK Enc=AESCCM(256) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aes-256-ccm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380907, 'name': 'PSK-ARIA256-GCM-SHA384', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'PSK-ARIA256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2 Kx=PSK Au=PSK Enc=ARIAGCM(256) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aria-256-gcm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50331820, 'name': 'RSA-PSK-AES128-GCM-SHA256', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'RSA-PSK-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2 Kx=RSAPSK Au=RSA Enc=AESGCM(128) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aes-128-gcm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-rsa-psk', 'auth': 'auth-rsa'}, {'id': 50331818, 'name': 'DHE-PSK-AES128-GCM-SHA256', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'DHE-PSK-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2 Kx=DHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=AESGCM(128) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aes-128-gcm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-dhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380970, 'name': 'DHE-PSK-AES128-CCM8', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'DHE-PSK-AES128-CCM8 TLSv1.2 Kx=DHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=AESCCM8(128) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aes-128-ccm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-dhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380966, 'name': 'DHE-PSK-AES128-CCM', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'DHE-PSK-AES128-CCM TLSv1.2 Kx=DHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=AESCCM(128) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aes-128-ccm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-dhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380910, 'name': 'RSA-PSK-ARIA128-GCM-SHA256', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'RSA-PSK-ARIA128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2 Kx=RSAPSK Au=RSA Enc=ARIAGCM(128) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aria-128-gcm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-rsa-psk', 'auth': 'auth-rsa'}, {'id': 50380908, 'name': 'DHE-PSK-ARIA128-GCM-SHA256', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'DHE-PSK-ARIA128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2 Kx=DHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=ARIAGCM(128) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aria-128-gcm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-dhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50331816, 'name': 'PSK-AES128-GCM-SHA256', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'PSK-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2 Kx=PSK Au=PSK Enc=AESGCM(128) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aes-128-gcm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380968, 'name': 'PSK-AES128-CCM8', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'PSK-AES128-CCM8 TLSv1.2 Kx=PSK Au=PSK Enc=AESCCM8(128) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aes-128-ccm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380964, 'name': 'PSK-AES128-CCM', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'PSK-AES128-CCM TLSv1.2 Kx=PSK Au=PSK Enc=AESCCM(128) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aes-128-ccm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380906, 'name': 'PSK-ARIA128-GCM-SHA256', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.2', 'description': 'PSK-ARIA128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2 Kx=PSK Au=PSK Enc=ARIAGCM(128) Mac=AEAD', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': True, 'symmetric': 'aria-128-gcm', 'digest': None, 'kea': 'kx-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380856, 'name': 'ECDHE-PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA384', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'ECDHE-PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA384 TLSv1 Kx=ECDHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=AES(256) Mac=SHA384', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'aes-256-cbc', 'digest': 'sha384', 'kea': 'kx-ecdhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380854, 'name': 'ECDHE-PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'ECDHE-PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA TLSv1 Kx=ECDHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=AES(256) Mac=SHA1', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'aes-256-cbc', 'digest': 'sha1', 'kea': 'kx-ecdhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50331831, 'name': 'RSA-PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA384', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'RSA-PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA384 TLSv1 Kx=RSAPSK Au=RSA Enc=AES(256) Mac=SHA384', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'aes-256-cbc', 'digest': 'sha384', 'kea': 'kx-rsa-psk', 'auth': 'auth-rsa'}, {'id': 50331827, 'name': 'DHE-PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA384', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'DHE-PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA384 TLSv1 Kx=DHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=AES(256) Mac=SHA384', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'aes-256-cbc', 'digest': 'sha384', 'kea': 'kx-dhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50331797, 'name': 'RSA-PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA', 'protocol': 'SSLv3', 'description': 'RSA-PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA SSLv3 Kx=RSAPSK Au=RSA Enc=AES(256) Mac=SHA1', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'aes-256-cbc', 'digest': 'sha1', 'kea': 'kx-rsa-psk', 'auth': 'auth-rsa'}, {'id': 50331793, 'name': 'DHE-PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA', 'protocol': 'SSLv3', 'description': 'DHE-PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA SSLv3 Kx=DHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=AES(256) Mac=SHA1', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'aes-256-cbc', 'digest': 'sha1', 'kea': 'kx-dhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380955, 'name': 'ECDHE-PSK-CAMELLIA256-SHA384', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'ECDHE-PSK-CAMELLIA256-SHA384 TLSv1 Kx=ECDHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=Camellia(256) Mac=SHA384', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'camellia-256-cbc', 'digest': 'sha384', 'kea': 'kx-ecdhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380953, 'name': 'RSA-PSK-CAMELLIA256-SHA384', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'RSA-PSK-CAMELLIA256-SHA384 TLSv1 Kx=RSAPSK Au=RSA Enc=Camellia(256) Mac=SHA384', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'camellia-256-cbc', 'digest': 'sha384', 'kea': 'kx-rsa-psk', 'auth': 'auth-rsa'}, {'id': 50380951, 'name': 'DHE-PSK-CAMELLIA256-SHA384', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'DHE-PSK-CAMELLIA256-SHA384 TLSv1 Kx=DHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=Camellia(256) Mac=SHA384', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'camellia-256-cbc', 'digest': 'sha384', 'kea': 'kx-dhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50331823, 'name': 'PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA384', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA384 TLSv1 Kx=PSK Au=PSK Enc=AES(256) Mac=SHA384', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'aes-256-cbc', 'digest': 'sha384', 'kea': 'kx-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50331789, 'name': 'PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA', 'protocol': 'SSLv3', 'description': 'PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA SSLv3 Kx=PSK Au=PSK Enc=AES(256) Mac=SHA1', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'aes-256-cbc', 'digest': 'sha1', 'kea': 'kx-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380949, 'name': 'PSK-CAMELLIA256-SHA384', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'PSK-CAMELLIA256-SHA384 TLSv1 Kx=PSK Au=PSK Enc=Camellia(256) Mac=SHA384', 'strength_bits': 256, 'alg_bits': 256, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'camellia-256-cbc', 'digest': 'sha384', 'kea': 'kx-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380855, 'name': 'ECDHE-PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA256', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'ECDHE-PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA256 TLSv1 Kx=ECDHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=AES(128) Mac=SHA256', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'aes-128-cbc', 'digest': 'sha256', 'kea': 'kx-ecdhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380853, 'name': 'ECDHE-PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'ECDHE-PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA TLSv1 Kx=ECDHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=AES(128) Mac=SHA1', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'aes-128-cbc', 'digest': 'sha1', 'kea': 'kx-ecdhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50331830, 'name': 'RSA-PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA256', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'RSA-PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA256 TLSv1 Kx=RSAPSK Au=RSA Enc=AES(128) Mac=SHA256', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'aes-128-cbc', 'digest': 'sha256', 'kea': 'kx-rsa-psk', 'auth': 'auth-rsa'}, {'id': 50331826, 'name': 'DHE-PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA256', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'DHE-PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA256 TLSv1 Kx=DHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=AES(128) Mac=SHA256', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'aes-128-cbc', 'digest': 'sha256', 'kea': 'kx-dhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50331796, 'name': 'RSA-PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA', 'protocol': 'SSLv3', 'description': 'RSA-PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA SSLv3 Kx=RSAPSK Au=RSA Enc=AES(128) Mac=SHA1', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'aes-128-cbc', 'digest': 'sha1', 'kea': 'kx-rsa-psk', 'auth': 'auth-rsa'}, {'id': 50331792, 'name': 'DHE-PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA', 'protocol': 'SSLv3', 'description': 'DHE-PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA SSLv3 Kx=DHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=AES(128) Mac=SHA1', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'aes-128-cbc', 'digest': 'sha1', 'kea': 'kx-dhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380954, 'name': 'ECDHE-PSK-CAMELLIA128-SHA256', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'ECDHE-PSK-CAMELLIA128-SHA256 TLSv1 Kx=ECDHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=Camellia(128) Mac=SHA256', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'camellia-128-cbc', 'digest': 'sha256', 'kea': 'kx-ecdhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380952, 'name': 'RSA-PSK-CAMELLIA128-SHA256', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'RSA-PSK-CAMELLIA128-SHA256 TLSv1 Kx=RSAPSK Au=RSA Enc=Camellia(128) Mac=SHA256', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'camellia-128-cbc', 'digest': 'sha256', 'kea': 'kx-rsa-psk', 'auth': 'auth-rsa'}, {'id': 50380950, 'name': 'DHE-PSK-CAMELLIA128-SHA256', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'DHE-PSK-CAMELLIA128-SHA256 TLSv1 Kx=DHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=Camellia(128) Mac=SHA256', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'camellia-128-cbc', 'digest': 'sha256', 'kea': 'kx-dhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50331822, 'name': 'PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA256', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA256 TLSv1 Kx=PSK Au=PSK Enc=AES(128) Mac=SHA256', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'aes-128-cbc', 'digest': 'sha256', 'kea': 'kx-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50331788, 'name': 'PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA', 'protocol': 'SSLv3', 'description': 'PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA SSLv3 Kx=PSK Au=PSK Enc=AES(128) Mac=SHA1', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'aes-128-cbc', 'digest': 'sha1', 'kea': 'kx-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380948, 'name': 'PSK-CAMELLIA128-SHA256', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'PSK-CAMELLIA128-SHA256 TLSv1 Kx=PSK Au=PSK Enc=Camellia(128) Mac=SHA256', 'strength_bits': 128, 'alg_bits': 128, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': 'camellia-128-cbc', 'digest': 'sha256', 'kea': 'kx-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380859, 'name': 'ECDHE-PSK-NULL-SHA384', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'ECDHE-PSK-NULL-SHA384 TLSv1 Kx=ECDHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=None Mac=SHA384', 'strength_bits': 0, 'alg_bits': 0, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': None, 'digest': 'sha384', 'kea': 'kx-ecdhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380858, 'name': 'ECDHE-PSK-NULL-SHA256', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'ECDHE-PSK-NULL-SHA256 TLSv1 Kx=ECDHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=None Mac=SHA256', 'strength_bits': 0, 'alg_bits': 0, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': None, 'digest': 'sha256', 'kea': 'kx-ecdhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50380857, 'name': 'ECDHE-PSK-NULL-SHA', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'ECDHE-PSK-NULL-SHA TLSv1 Kx=ECDHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=None Mac=SHA1', 'strength_bits': 0, 'alg_bits': 0, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': None, 'digest': 'sha1', 'kea': 'kx-ecdhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50331833, 'name': 'RSA-PSK-NULL-SHA384', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'RSA-PSK-NULL-SHA384 TLSv1 Kx=RSAPSK Au=RSA Enc=None Mac=SHA384', 'strength_bits': 0, 'alg_bits': 0, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': None, 'digest': 'sha384', 'kea': 'kx-rsa-psk', 'auth': 'auth-rsa'}, {'id': 50331832, 'name': 'RSA-PSK-NULL-SHA256', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'RSA-PSK-NULL-SHA256 TLSv1 Kx=RSAPSK Au=RSA Enc=None Mac=SHA256', 'strength_bits': 0, 'alg_bits': 0, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': None, 'digest': 'sha256', 'kea': 'kx-rsa-psk', 'auth': 'auth-rsa'}, {'id': 50331829, 'name': 'DHE-PSK-NULL-SHA384', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'DHE-PSK-NULL-SHA384 TLSv1 Kx=DHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=None Mac=SHA384', 'strength_bits': 0, 'alg_bits': 0, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': None, 'digest': 'sha384', 'kea': 'kx-dhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50331828, 'name': 'DHE-PSK-NULL-SHA256', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'DHE-PSK-NULL-SHA256 TLSv1 Kx=DHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=None Mac=SHA256', 'strength_bits': 0, 'alg_bits': 0, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': None, 'digest': 'sha256', 'kea': 'kx-dhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50331694, 'name': 'RSA-PSK-NULL-SHA', 'protocol': 'SSLv3', 'description': 'RSA-PSK-NULL-SHA SSLv3 Kx=RSAPSK Au=RSA Enc=None Mac=SHA1', 'strength_bits': 0, 'alg_bits': 0, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': None, 'digest': 'sha1', 'kea': 'kx-rsa-psk', 'auth': 'auth-rsa'}, {'id': 50331693, 'name': 'DHE-PSK-NULL-SHA', 'protocol': 'SSLv3', 'description': 'DHE-PSK-NULL-SHA SSLv3 Kx=DHEPSK Au=PSK Enc=None Mac=SHA1', 'strength_bits': 0, 'alg_bits': 0, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': None, 'digest': 'sha1', 'kea': 'kx-dhe-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50331825, 'name': 'PSK-NULL-SHA384', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'PSK-NULL-SHA384 TLSv1 Kx=PSK Au=PSK Enc=None Mac=SHA384', 'strength_bits': 0, 'alg_bits': 0, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': None, 'digest': 'sha384', 'kea': 'kx-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50331824, 'name': 'PSK-NULL-SHA256', 'protocol': 'TLSv1.0', 'description': 'PSK-NULL-SHA256 TLSv1 Kx=PSK Au=PSK Enc=None Mac=SHA256', 'strength_bits': 0, 'alg_bits': 0, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': None, 'digest': 'sha256', 'kea': 'kx-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}, {'id': 50331692, 'name': 'PSK-NULL-SHA', 'protocol': 'SSLv3', 'description': 'PSK-NULL-SHA SSLv3 Kx=PSK Au=PSK Enc=None Mac=SHA1', 'strength_bits': 0, 'alg_bits': 0, 'aead': False, 'symmetric': None, 'digest': 'sha1', 'kea': 'kx-psk', 'auth': 'auth-psk'}]
[SSL: SSLV3_ALERT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER] sslv3 alert illegal parameter (_ssl.c:1108
^ Is the result of client using incorrect psk. Remember to supply psk as byte array, eg. bytes.fromhex("10ab45ce");
Hi @rousku, how can I add identity? Thanks!
Hi all!
May I have any pointers on how to achieve the proposed in this issue?
I have tried to follow @gennadykr and @pavel-ch steps using sspsk2
. However I'm getting this error on my client when attempting the connection:
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/", line 1341, in do_handshake
ssl.SSLError: [SSL: SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE] sslv3 alert handshake failure (_ssl.c:997)
The broker is a Mosquitto 2.0.14
running in a docker
container from the official image, which reports this when the connection is attempted:
1658538579: OpenSSL Error[0]: error:1417A0C1:SSL routines:tls_post_process_client_hello:no shared cipher
To isolate the problem, I decided to test the broker with:
mosquitto_sub --psk-identity MyDevice --psk 1234 -h localhost -p 8883 -t TestTopic -u MyUser -P MyUserPassword -i TheReceiver
mosquitto_pub --psk-identity MyDevice --psk 1234 -h localhost -p 8883 -t TestTopic -u MyUser -P MyUserPassword -m Hello -i TheSender
The above successfully worked with a psk
file that has this content:
Then my problem should be arround my client. My development environment is based on a Intel macOS 12.5
with openssl@3
via brew
and sspsk2
installed using ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" pip3 install sslpsk2
otherwise pip
complained about an unsupported achitecture.
provides plenty of PSK ciphers, so I guess my setup is not the problem.
What other tests should I perform?
This morning I had published the code I'm using to test the implementation. It is not working yet and any help would be much appreciated.
Here it is:
Any news ? There is a working example ? I am using @maovidal example but it do not work. On mosquitto broker I get:
OpenSSL Error[0]: error:14094417:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert illegal parameter
setting TLS version:
context = SSLPSKContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2)
it works!
references about use of TLSv1_2 for PSK in mosquitto:
Closing this as it appears you found a solution; if questions remain please reopen with details.