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How to do a manual (non-cli) upload?

Open GitMensch opened this issue 2 years ago • 10 comments

This issue was brought up in

I see no alternative non-CLI publishing workflow. With VSCode Marketplace I can use web app if CLI does not work for whatever reason.

So is this already possible? If not: please see this as a FR.

GitMensch avatar Jan 21 '22 13:01 GitMensch

Hi I am also looking for manual upload process like vscode.

and also the publishing process looks more complicated than vscode.

Why we need to login with github and then create another account in eclipse.

Can you please provide account creation with email and password without github login

rangav avatar Jan 27 '22 13:01 rangav

Seconding @rangav - the wiki currently says:

It is important to fill in the GitHub Username field and to use exactly the same GitHub account as when you log in to

But people that stay away from M$ "Visual Code" or its market places may also stay away from M$ GitHub.

I guess that this GitHub part is related to namespace registration, but also in the wiki on namespaces it looks like "no GitHub account - no option to register a namespace".

@eclipse @spoenemann Please fix this.

GitMensch avatar Jan 27 '22 14:01 GitMensch

Using GitHub as authentication provider was the most obvious choice in the beginning. The project is open to adding other authentication methods like GitLab or email / password. However, I don't have time to implement new features here at the moment. If you are interested in bringing this project forward, please help finding more contributors or consider contributing yourself.

spoenemann avatar Jan 27 '22 15:01 spoenemann

Hi @spoenemann thanks for the reply.

Atleast if you can implement manual upload of vsix file, that would be great.

rangav avatar Jan 27 '22 18:01 rangav

Now this namespace process also looks more complicated,

The whole process is discouraging for developers to publish to open-vsx, as its too complicated

Why cant we just create account with email and password and upload vsix package. Simple 2 step process. Thats the easy way to encourage more devs to publish here

rangav avatar Jan 28 '22 12:01 rangav

@rangav We chose that authentication method at the time because it met out needs and would cover the vast majority of publishers.

We don't have the resources to implement another login system currently, but this is an open source project and we welcome contributions. The first step would be to open a separate issue to discuss if/how it would be implemented before any code is written.

Let's keep discussion in this issue related to the topic of the original report.

brianking avatar Feb 01 '22 10:02 brianking

@GitMensch @rangav @spoenemann I've added functionality to the user settings that let you create namespaces and upload extensions. It's a first draft. Your feedback is much appreciated.

amvanbaren avatar Mar 28 '22 10:03 amvanbaren

Let's continue the discussion about other login options in #337.

amvanbaren avatar Mar 28 '22 10:03 amvanbaren

@amvanbaren thanks, how can we test it? is it live?

thunderclient-user avatar Mar 28 '22 10:03 thunderclient-user

@thunderclient You can test the PR in Gitpod:

  • Wait until the server is running and test extensions have been published.
  • Copy the current browser url (Gitpod workspace url)
  • Open a new tab, paste the url and prepend 3000- to the url. The result should be https://3000-{gitpod-workspace-id}
  • You can now test the frontend/webui.

amvanbaren avatar Mar 28 '22 10:03 amvanbaren