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Support for additional Identity/Login Providers?

Open cccs-tom opened this issue 2 years ago • 16 comments

My team wishes to use one or more IdP that are not GitHub or Eclipse. Our immediate use case is for Azure AD, but we will likely want to use an on-prem IdP (likely Keycloak) at some point in the future as well.

We would be looking (for the time being) at making it possible to change the IdP to something other than GitHub, but not addign support for multiple IdP. Is this something that you would be interested in having us contribute back to your code base?

cccs-tom avatar Sep 20 '21 17:09 cccs-tom

+1 for Keycloak. It would be nice to decouple user management from the registry.

amvanbaren avatar Sep 21 '21 10:09 amvanbaren

Yes, support for more authentication providers is definitely in the scope of this project, and contributions are welcome!

There is one challenge, though: we currently have a home-grown login handling because we need to support both GitHub and Eclipse OAuth login for the public instance running at If it's possible, I would be ok with a solution that keeps the current implementation for the public instance, but switches to something more generic for other instances (this could be controlled via application.yml properties).

spoenemann avatar Sep 22 '21 06:09 spoenemann

@spoenemann Sure, we can definitely work with that! Thanks.

cccs-tom avatar Sep 22 '21 13:09 cccs-tom

I prefer simple email/username and password login

rangav avatar Mar 28 '22 10:03 rangav

Any follow up? +1 for Keycloak! thanks~

zlweicoder avatar Aug 18 '22 08:08 zlweicoder

@zlweicoder I have a working prototype/draft for Keycloak integration. It's been a couple months since I last worked on it. I'll commit the changes and link the branch here. Maybe somebody else can pick it up.

amvanbaren avatar Aug 18 '22 09:08 amvanbaren

This is the Keycloak integration branch:

amvanbaren avatar Aug 18 '22 10:08 amvanbaren

Hi There,

Is there any plan to merge the keycloak branch with openvsx and there are lot of dependencies and changes has been done. If someone can pick do it then would be great.

guddu121 avatar Nov 29 '22 16:11 guddu121

HI Amvanbaren,

I want to know any plan in coming days to integrate the branch with keycloak support into openvsx

guddu121 avatar Nov 29 '22 16:11 guddu121

Hi @guddu121, no there are currently no plans to merge the keycloak branch with openvsx. AFAIK this feature is still a prototype/draft. @zlweicoder did you work on keycloak integration?

amvanbaren avatar Nov 30 '22 09:11 amvanbaren

Hi @amvanbaren @zlweicoder , In my company , we were able to successfully fork the keycloak integration branch @amvanbaren had posted , run it locally and configure a simple login flow using basic auth.Our goal is to implement Gitlab Auth for OpenVSX.We have the following two options :

  1. With Keycloak : If this feature branch (whihc is now quite behind "master" ) can be merged to "master" with all conflicts resolved. We will be happy to test it in our environment and fix any bugs that come up.

  2. Without keycloak : IF there is no intention to bring keycloak branch upto master , then we will implement gitlab auth on top of the current "master" and will be happy to contribute that back as well.

Please let us know your recommendation

krithika2689 avatar Nov 30 '22 21:11 krithika2689

Hi @guddu121, no there are currently no plans to merge the keycloak branch with openvsx. AFAIK this feature is still a prototype/draft. @zlweicoder did you work on keycloak integration?

sorry, I haven't had a chance working on it yet.

zlweicoder avatar Dec 01 '22 01:12 zlweicoder

We're very keen to host our own copy of OpenVSX and have it work with our self hosted GitLab. I'd rather not have to fork the project. Any word on when we can expect this? Auth with GitHub and Eclipse alone does not work for us.

ChevronTango avatar Mar 03 '23 15:03 ChevronTango

@ChevronTango Glad to see you and your team are interested. We'd love to see you all take the work on the branch @amvanbaren mentions above and finish it off in your deployment. Comeback with your findings and possibly a PR. Right now finishing this work simply isn't a priority for us.

kineticsquid avatar Mar 06 '23 18:03 kineticsquid

Also, wanted to make sure you'd seen this announcement about the future of

kineticsquid avatar Mar 06 '23 18:03 kineticsquid

Can may be somebody have a look at This would greatly improve the support of additional providers.

HeikoBoettger avatar Apr 28 '24 19:04 HeikoBoettger