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Python extension version at 2020.10.332292344

Open J4gQBqqR opened this issue 3 years ago • 5 comments

I understand that Jupyter's binary is proprietary, and if we upgrade, we would not have the python extension usable because of dependency.

Is there a way to remove the dependency in openvsx? Fixed at this version for one year or so is fine. But if we got fixed for too long, this extension will become obsolete.

J4gQBqqR avatar Jan 27 '21 16:01 J4gQBqqR

No, Open VSX cannot know whether an extension dependency is a technical necessity or just used to automatically install the other extension, too.

One thing you could do is fork the Python extension, remove the dependency and publish it under a different namespace.

spoenemann avatar Jan 28 '21 07:01 spoenemann

Could someone explain in more detail what is going on with the python extension? I got so far that MS split the python and jupyter extensions but the python extension requires the jupyter extension.

While people already complained, MS seems to stick with the current behavior. Don't know if this will change any time soon.

So either one could fork the python extension and remove the jupyter stuff, or open-vsx also provides the jupyter extension. This is currently not the case and in the issue description is noted that the jupyter binary is proprietary.

My question is, why is the jupyter binary proprietary? Isn't jupyter open source, too? Or is it distributed as a precompiled binary from a MS server?

exploide avatar Mar 10 '21 18:03 exploide

It's not that Jupyter is proprietary, but that the Jupyer "adapter/extension" to VS Code is proprietary. They also made a proprietary tool called Pylane.

We have long seen the trend of companies like MS contributing to an "open source" tool and make some of the most useful features as moving proprietary parts. Thus locking users into the "open source" platform. It is the one of open source community engaging strategies commonly applied nowadays.

It has advantages and disadvantages. In one way, users are more centralized, contribution and dev will have a synergized movement, product will evolve faster. On the other side, it is hard to have forked project being successful, like what we saw for all the Linux distros. But we also avoid all the tool nightmare such as snap vs flatpak vs appimage.

J4gQBqqR avatar Mar 10 '21 18:03 J4gQBqqR

It's not that Jupyter is proprietary, but that the Jupyer "adapter/extension" to VS Code is proprietary.

Maybe I miss something, but the license I see for vscode-jupyter is MIT. I would like to nail down what exactly the problematic component is.

exploide avatar Mar 11 '21 18:03 exploide

Looks like jupyter is now optional

IceWreck avatar May 23 '21 14:05 IceWreck

Current python version is 2022.18.2

amvanbaren avatar Nov 22 '22 11:11 amvanbaren