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Expose ability to validate access and Id tokens without making call to server
Up to vertx 3.9.9 we were able to use AccessToken object to pass in the Json fields expires_in, access_token and id_token and have it validated by the library using the following code , "responseString" contains the Json string with these fields.
new OAuth2TokenImpl(oauthProvider, new JsonObject(responseString))
When I upgraded to vertx 4.2.1, I noticed only access_token is available in user.attributes() when i use this code to replace the above
oauthProvider.authenticate(new UserImpl(new JsonObject(responseString)).principal()) .onSuccess(user -> { user.attributes() //only has accessToken });
We implement a token exchange (on behalf of) flow where access_token and id_token are given from the third party and we validate them and issue our own access_token. For this we need the ability to validate id_token.
I see a private method which already implements token validations in If a wrapper public method is added to OAuth2Auth that will serve this use case.
private User createUser(JsonObject json, boolean skipMissingKeyNotify) { //validations happen here for all tokens and User is created with accessToken and idToken attributes .. }
public User createUser(JsonObject tokenResult) { // json will hold the json object representing the token result createUser(json, false); }
In addition, in 3.9.9 we were also able to skip "aud" check in id_token for token exchange flow. It would be good to add a toggle for that too in Options.