openj9 copied to clipboard
Add ghost file limit API
Also fixed the criu_dump failure path, it was being hidden by calls to query time.
Re-ordered the restore hooks so they always occur, even if criu_dump fails.
Fixed the CRIUSupport exceptions which did not have the System version.
Updated tests to output log file if checkpoint fails.
jenkins test sanity alinux64 jdk21
@JasonFengJ9 Ready for another look
@JasonFengJ9 Ready for another look
@gacholio Please review these changes
I'll have a look once all of Jason's comments are addressed (and the conversations resolved).
@JasonFengJ9 Is everything addressed?
I'll have a look once all of Jason's comments are addressed (and the conversations resolved). Is everything addressed?
Yeah, and I approved. @tajila please resolve those conversations.
@gacholio changes are ready for a look
Line ending failure is infra.
jenkins test sanity xlinux jdk21
20:46:08 FAILED test targets:
20:46:08 cmdLineTester_criu_nonPortableRestore_8
The failure is
19:03:42 Testing: Create CRIU checkpoint image and restore three times - testMillisDelayBeforeCheckpointDone
19:03:42 Test start time: 2024/02/21 19:03:41 Eastern Standard Time
19:03:42 Running command: bash /home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk21_j9_sanity.functional_x86-64_linux_Personal_testList_1/aqa-tests/TKG/../../jvmtest/functional/cmdLineTests/criu/ /home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk21_j9_sanity.functional_x86-64_linux_Personal_testList_1/aqa-tests/TKG/../../jvmtest/functional/cmdLineTests/criu /home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk21_j9_sanity.functional_x86-64_linux_Personal_testList_1/jdkbinary/j2sdk-image/bin/java " -Xgcpolicy:gencon -Xgcthreads1 " "org.openj9.criu.TimeChangeTest testMillisDelayBeforeCheckpointDone" 3 3 false false
19:03:42 Time spent starting: 3 milliseconds
19:08:52 ***[TEST INFO 2024/02/21 19:08:41] ProcessKiller detected a timeout after 300000 milliseconds!***
19:08:52 ***[TEST INFO 2024/02/21 19:08:41] executing /usr/bin/gdb -batch -x /tmp/debugger14233790803444987276.txt bash 31402***
19:08:52 GDB OUT No shared libraries loaded at this time.
19:08:52 INFO: Sleep for 60000 millis before next capture.
19:09:49 ***[TEST INFO 2024/02/21 19:09:42] executing /usr/bin/gdb -batch -x /tmp/debugger14233790803444987276.txt bash 31402***
19:09:49 GDB OUT No shared libraries loaded at this time.
19:09:49 ***[TEST INFO 2024/02/21 19:09:42] executing kill -ABRT 31402***
19:09:49 ***[TEST INFO 2024/02/21 19:09:42] kill -ABRT signal sent***
19:09:49 Time spent executing: 360759 milliseconds
19:09:49 Test result: FAILED
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