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Disable LocalSyncCompiles under FullSpeedDebug
The JITServerLocalSyncCompiles option causes remote recompilations to be scheduled after synchronous JIT compilations. This is incompatible with FullSpeedDebug, which is supposed to disable recompilations.
Signed-off-by: Christian Despres [email protected]
Attn @mpirvu. I've still only tested DaaLoadTest_all_special_5m_18
. Would you like me to grind the rest of the failing tests?
Would you like me to grind the rest of the failing tests?
Yes, please.
jenkins test sanity plinuxjit,xlinuxjit,zlinuxjit jdk17
There was a timeout on pLinux for cmdLineTester_gcsuballoctests_0
Running test cmdLineTester_gcsuballoctests_0 ...
cmdLineTester_gcsuballoctests_0 Start Time: Wed Aug 10 01:47:53 2022 Epoch Time (ms): 1660110473817
variation: Mode610
JVM_OPTIONS: -XX:+UseJITServer -Xcompressedrefs -Xjit -Xgcpolicy:gencon
Parsing exclude list...
add excludes for [all]
add excludes for [linux_ppc-64]
DONE in 0 ms.
No tests are excluded.
*** Starting test suite: J9 GC Tests ***
Testing: -Xgc:suballocatorInitialSize=100m
Test start time: 2022/08/10 01:48:24 Eastern Standard Time
Running command: "/home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk17_j9_sanity.functional_ppc64le_linux_jit_Personal_testList_0/openjdkbinary/j2sdk-image/bin/java" -XX:+UseJITServer -Xcompressedrefs -Xjit -Xgcpolicy:gencon -Xgc:suballocatorInitialSize=100m -version
Time spent starting: 83 milliseconds
***[TEST INFO 2022/08/10 01:49:24] ProcessKiller detected a timeout after 60000 milliseconds!***
INFO: Cannot find '/usr/bin/gdb' using 'gdb' from the path.
Time spent executing: 60147 milliseconds
Test result: FAILED
I don't know why the test on x86 was aborted. No test in particular has timed out, but maybe the entire test sequence took too long.
jenkins test sanity plinuxjit,xlinuxjit jdk17
The failing X tests all pass, 15x.
pLinux again failed cmdLineTester_gcsuballoctests_0
Running test cmdLineTester_gcsuballoctests_0 ...
cmdLineTester_gcsuballoctests_0 Start Time: Wed Aug 10 15:55:14 2022 Epoch Time (ms): 1660161314074
variation: Mode610
JVM_OPTIONS: -XX:+UseJITServer -Xcompressedrefs -Xjit -Xgcpolicy:gencon
Parsing exclude list...
add excludes for [all]
add excludes for [linux_ppc-64]
DONE in 0 ms.
No tests are excluded.
*** Starting test suite: J9 GC Tests ***
Testing: -Xgc:suballocatorInitialSize=100m
Test start time: 2022/08/10 15:55:44 Eastern Standard Time
Running command: "/home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk17_j9_sanity.functional_ppc64le_linux_jit_Personal_testList_0/openjdkbinary/j2sdk-image/bin/java" -XX:+UseJITServer -Xcompressedrefs -Xjit -Xgcpolicy:gencon -Xgc:suballocatorInitialSize=100m -version
Time spent starting: 96 milliseconds
***[TEST INFO 2022/08/10 15:56:45] ProcessKiller detected a timeout after 60000 milliseconds!***
INFO: Cannot find '/usr/bin/gdb' using 'gdb' from the path.
Time spent executing: 60154 milliseconds
Test result: FAILED
Output from test:
[ERR] openjdk version "17.0.5-internal" 2022-10-18
[ERR] OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.5-internal+0-adhoc.jenkins.BuildJDK17ppc64lelinuxjitPersonal)
[ERR] Eclipse OpenJ9 VM (build HEAD-7ef9591a6f0, JRE 17 Linux ppc64le-64-Bit Compressed References 20220810_61 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
[ERR] OpenJ9 - 7ef9591a6f0
[ERR] OMR - 325d6509fe3
[ERR] JCL - d5540d6c583 based on jdk-17.0.5+1)
though I don't see how this PR can affect a GC test that executes only java -version
The change in this PR only takes effect when FSD mode is enabled. The cmdLineTester_gcsuballoctests_0
test above does not use FSD mode and thus it cannot be caused by this PR. Hence, I am merging this PR.