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Eclipse Jetty Plugin
An error has been encountered in accessing this page. 1. Server: 2. URL path: /update/content.xml 3. Error notes: NONE 4. Error type: 404 5. Request method: GET 6. Request...
in the jetty port configuration in the jetty configuration... lose the ticker. just use a text box integer.
When I run jetty from Eclipse using eclipse-jetty-plugin on eclipse latest mars jetty version from the 9.2.11 I am experiencing issue with classpath on the jvm that is created. I...
Hello, I have a maven project which has the same dependency included twice : one with a "compile" scope, another with the "test" scope and a "test-jar" type. In the...
The target/classes folder for web-fragment maven modules are added to classpath, however Jetty does not scan the web-fragment.xml files. I'm using Jetty-8.1.14, Java 1.7, Servlet API 3.0. Project structure: ```...
When I try to start the project war-final on eclipse-jetty-plugin, the web-fragment resources are not available. Just start the jetty and access de index.html page on war-final project and note:...
hi How can i boot up JETTY 9 server with http/2 in eclipse. please let me know that
The path contains the the project. The result is incompatible with the validator.
I'm trying to setup a JNDI datasource using the instructions at I created a file called jetty.xml in the root directory and added this xml: ``` jdbc/anzfx com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/fx...
The Eclipse Jetty Plugin should rather act as Web Server launcher, than a Web App Container launcher. As the web.xml is not sticktly needed anymore, it could launch any type...