orb copied to clipboard
If "Request Meaaage" is more than the number of threads in "thread-pool-1",all pooled threads become time-outs.
If "Request Meaaage" that is more than the number of threads in "thread-pool-1" is sent to the IJServer cluster, all pooled threads wait for "Fragment Message" to be processed and become time-outs.
**LOG**javax.ejb.EJBException: java.rmi.MarshalException: CORBA COMM_FAILURE 1330446361 No; nested exception is:
org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: WARNING: 00410025: Write of message exceeded TCP timeout : max wait time = 6,000 ms, total time spent blocked, waiting to write = 7,280 ms. vmcid: OMG minor code: 25 completed: No
javax.ejb.EJBException: java.rmi.MarshalException: CORBA COMM_FAILURE 1330446361 No; nested exception is:
org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: WARNING: 00410025: Write of message exceeded TCP timeout : max wait time = 6,000 ms, total time spent blocked, waiting to write = 7,280 ms. vmcid: OMG minor code: 25 completed: No
at com.fujitsu.test.ejb._DataTest_Wrapper.sendData(com/fujitsu/test/ejb/_DataTest_Wrapper.java)
at datatestacc.InnerThread_loop1.run(Main.java:66)
Caused by: java.rmi.MarshalException: CORBA COMM_FAILURE 1330446361 No; nested exception is:
org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: WARNING: 00410025: Write of message exceeded TCP timeout : max wait time = 6,000 ms, total time spent blocked, waiting to write = 7,280 ms. vmcid: OMG minor code: 25 completed: No
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.javax.rmi.CORBA.Util.mapSystemException(Util.java:258)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.presentation.rmi.StubInvocationHandlerImpl.privateInvoke(StubInvocationHandlerImpl.java:211)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.presentation.rmi.StubInvocationHandlerImpl.invoke(StubInvocationHandlerImpl.java:150)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.presentation.rmi.codegen.CodegenStubBase.invoke(CodegenStubBase.java:226)
at com.fujitsu.test.ejb.__DataTest_Remote_DynamicStub.sendData(com/fujitsu/test/ejb/__DataTest_Remote_DynamicStub.java)
... 2 more
Caused by: org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: WARNING: 00410025: Write of message exceeded TCP timeout : max wait time = 6,000 ms, total time spent blocked, waiting to write = 7,280 ms. vmcid: OMG minor code: 25 completed: No
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy36.transportWriteTimeoutExceeded(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.transport.NioBufferWriter.write(NioBufferWriter.java:62)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.transport.ConnectionImpl.writeUsingNio(ConnectionImpl.java:508)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.transport.ConnectionImpl.write(ConnectionImpl.java:480)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.encoding.CDROutputObject.writeTo(CDROutputObject.java:225)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.transport.ConnectionImpl.sendHelper(ConnectionImpl.java:1153)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.transport.ConnectionImpl.sendCancelRequest(ConnectionImpl.java:1142)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.transport.ConnectionImpl.sendCancelRequestWithLock(ConnectionImpl.java:1162)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.MessageMediatorImpl.sendCancelRequestIfFinalFragmentNotSent(MessageMediatorImpl.java:373)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.ClientRequestDispatcherImpl.endRequest(ClientRequestDispatcherImpl.java:916)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.ClientDelegateImpl.releaseReply(ClientDelegateImpl.java:279)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.presentation.rmi.StubInvocationHandlerImpl.privateInvoke(StubInvocationHandlerImpl.java:208)
... 5 more
To operate even in this case, I propose the following corrections.
(1) The thread pool for the thread that processes "Fragment Message" is prepared. ex) "fragment-thread-pool"
(2) Received "Fragment Message" is processed by the thread pooled by (1).
public static MessageBase parseGiopHeader(ORB orb,
Connection connection,
ByteBuffer buf,
int startPosition) {
// Initialize the generic GIOP header instance variables.
if ((it[4] == 0x01) && (it[5] == 0x00)) { // 1.0
Message_1_0 msg10 = (Message_1_0) msg;
msg10.magic = magic;
msg10.GIOP_version = new GIOPVersion(it[4], it[5]);
msg10.byte_order = (it[6] == LITTLE_ENDIAN_BIT);
// 'request partitioning' not supported on GIOP version 1.0
// so just use the default thread pool, 0.
msg.threadPoolToUse = 0;
msg10.message_type = it[7];
msg10.message_size = readSize(it[8], it[9], it[10], it[11],
msg10.isLittleEndian()) +
} else { // 1.1 & 1.2
Message_1_1 msg11 = (Message_1_1) msg;
msg11.magic = magic;
msg11.GIOP_version = new GIOPVersion(it[4], it[5]);
msg11.flags = (byte) (it[6] & TRAILING_TWO_BIT_BYTE_MASK);
// IMPORTANT: For 'request partitioning', the thread pool to use
// information is stored in the leading 6 bits of byte 6.
// IMPORTANT: Request partitioning is a PROPRIETARY EXTENSION !!!
// NOTE: Bitwise operators will promote a byte to an int before
// performing a bitwise operation and bytes, ints, longs, etc
// are signed types in Java. Thus, the need for the
if(it[7] == GIOPFragment){ // add
msg.threadPoolToUse = orb.getThreadPoolManager().getThreadPoolNumericId("fragment-thread-pool"); // add
} else{
msg.threadPoolToUse = (it[6] >>> 2) & THREAD_POOL_TO_USE_MASK;
msg11.message_type = it[7];
We ask for your kind consideration.
- Issue Imported From: https://github.com/javaee/glassfish-corba/issues/17
- Original Issue Raised By:@glassfishrobot
- Original Issue Assigned To: @russgold
@glassfishrobot Commented Reported by myokan
@glassfishrobot Commented myokan said: It does not become time-outs. It happened because of the proposed correction.
@glassfishrobot Commented This issue was imported from java.net JIRA GLASSFISH_CORBA-17
Any plan to fix this issue ?