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[Firmware Update][Blockwise] - Is it possible transfer a firmware more than 300MB using Blockwise?

Open mathns28 opened this issue 3 months ago • 5 comments

Hello, I'm newer in lwm2m and I'm learning, so if I miss something forgive me.

I made a file transfer using the CaliforniumServerEndpointsProvider as base. I changed the RootResource for other implementation that controls the files.

The class I get from here:

I tested locally and It works pretty well, but when I tested on the server I get every time a delay:


This occurs randomly, sometimes after about 20 transmissions, sometimes after 500 transmissions.

The server configuration that I'm using is here. This is in default mode, I only changed the MAX_RESOURCE_BODY_SIZE, PREFERRED_BLOCK_SIZE and MAX_RETRANSMIT, because the files are more than 300Mb.


I don't know where is the error, if I lost something, if I need to increase some value on the configs, or decrise, if I can get more logs to validate the message...

I would be grateful if someone could help me!!

mathns28 avatar May 07 '24 18:05 mathns28