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[bluetooth.bluegiga] support not running

Open Celaeno1 opened this issue 5 years ago • 1 comments

Operating system: Windows 10, 32 bit JAVA: JDK_1.8.0_161 OH2: snapshot, build 1443, and 1486 and 1502 (problem persists!)

Issue: BlueGiga adapter is not running.

Description: Despite the correct definition in the .things file, no bluetooth devices are detected.

Bridge bluetooth:bluegiga:1 [ port="COM3", discovery=true ]

See also this discussion:

Openhab Community


I can see that BlueZ Adapter is supported.

But where is the Bluetooth BlueGiga Adapter ?

Hopefully this is only missing in description?

Celaeno1 avatar Jan 02 '19 09:01 Celaeno1

I updated important information in community topic! Also thanks to vossivossi !

Celaeno1 avatar Jan 18 '19 13:01 Celaeno1