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Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme for secp256k1 in TypeScript


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Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme for secp256k1 in TypeScript.

This is the JavaScript/TypeScript version of eciespy with a built-in class-like secp256k1 API, you may go there for detailed documentation and learn the mechanism under the hood.

If you want a WASM version to run directly in modern browsers or on some blockchains, check ecies-wasm.


npm install eciesjs

Quick Start

Run the code below with npx ts-node.

> import { encrypt, decrypt, PrivateKey } from 'eciesjs'
> const k1 = new PrivateKey()
> const data = Buffer.from('this is a test')
> decrypt(k1.toHex(), encrypt(k1.publicKey.toHex(), data)).toString()
'this is a test'


encrypt(receiverRawPK: string | Buffer, msg: Buffer): Buffer


  • receiverRawPK - Receiver's secp256k1 public key, hex string or buffer
  • msg - Data to encrypt

Returns: Buffer

decrypt(receiverRawSK: string | Buffer, msg: Buffer): Buffer


  • receiverRawSK - Receiver's secp256k1 private key, hex string or buffer
  • msg - Data to decrypt

Returns: Buffer


  • Methods
static fromHex(hex: string): PrivateKey;
constructor(secret?: Buffer);
toHex(): string;
encapsulate(pub: PublicKey): Buffer;
multiply(pub: PublicKey): Buffer;
equals(other: PrivateKey): boolean;
  • Properties
readonly secret: Buffer;
readonly publicKey: PublicKey;


  • Methods
static fromHex(hex: string): PublicKey;
constructor(buffer: Buffer);
toHex(compressed?: boolean): string;
decapsulate(priv: PrivateKey): Buffer;
equals(other: PublicKey): boolean;
  • Properties
readonly uncompressed: Buffer;
readonly compressed: Buffer;

Release Notes

0.3.1 ~ 0.3.15

  • Support Node 18
  • Drop Node 10, 12 support
  • Bump dependencies
  • Update documentation
  • Extract constant variables and rename some parameters


  • API change: encrypt/decrypt now can take both hex string and Buffer


  • API change: use HKDF-sha256 to derive shared keys instead of sha256
  • Bump dependencies
  • Update documentation

0.1.1 ~ 0.1.5

  • Bump dependencies
  • Update documentation


  • First beta version release