zkui copied to clipboard
zkui is a GUI client of Apache ZooKeeper. Download:
We are getting the "MSVCR100.DLL is the missing" exception. And which is mentioned on the readme page, but the given link got broken. Kindly fix that issue.
I just downloaded the version 1.1 ZIP. - Company firewall didn't let me, I had do change networks (first red flag) - Windows Defender find malware `PUA:Win32/Puamson.A!ml` (second red flag)...
When I run it - nothing happens. I see process starts up but then dies... No errors. Am I missing something? Are there any logs I can look at? Thanks!
我本地的qt版本是5.11 ,mac 环境,Python3.7 , 貌似新版本的pyqt已经没有这个QtWebKitWidgets Requirement already satisfied: pyqt5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages (5.11.2) Requirement already satisfied: PyQt5_sip=4.19.11 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from pyqt5) (4.19.12) `Traceback (most recent call last): File "./zkui.py", line 5,...
Hi, I have installed zkui_win_20160203. I ran zkui application but after I enter host/port/user/pass I get the following error: connect() failed: err=Connection time-out, traceback=[' File "D:\\work\\myware\\zkui\\WebWindow.py", line 175, in jsZkConnect\n',...
Could you add proxy setting item ?
Altough the value field is pretending to be resizable, it isn't. It's a pain to edit larger text files in there.
It's really very hard to find the specific node, when I want to check the configuration. Can I set them only in one column, and sorted?
Can we bundle everything in docker?
Traceback (most recent call last): File "./zkui.py", line 5, in from WebWindow import WebWindow File "WebWindow.py", line 1, in from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets, QtWebKitWidgets, QtNetwork, QtWebKit, QtPrintSupport ImportError: cannot...