Echo Ma
Echo Ma
Qt5.6 removed QtWebkit. So, Qt5.5 is the newest version we can use to build zkui. I was planning to port zkui to nw.js, but doesn't have enough spare time yet....
oh, there are no earlier version in pip? can you try 5.3 or 5.4?
@davey-dev So, it seems that the only solution is a refactor. Large work to do, damn...
This should be a network problem or the zookeeper server is down. When you can't open a webpage, it's probably not the problem of the browser, try to check the...
了解你的意思了,可能做成像文件浏览器可以选择视图模式的那种比较好。 不过zkui现在用的QtWebview组件已经被QT官方剔除了,重构是最重要的事情。重构比较需要大块时间,一直还没时间搞。。
I know nothing about docker. What's the requirement to bundle evething in docker?
I would like to add tree view to zkui, I also want this. I am planning a refactor, zkui will use the new QTWebEngine component which is using Google's Blink...