ember-ckeditor copied to clipboard
Fix the `vendor-prefix` deprecation warning on app launch using Ember 2.7
DEPRECATION: The `vendor-prefix` hook used in ember-cli-ckeditor is deprecated. The addon should generate a module and have consumers `require` it.
By the way, I can't achieve to use the addon.
I installed it:
ember install ember-cli-ckeditor
and used the following component:
// rich-text-editor/template.hbs
{{ember-ckeditor value=value on-change="textChanged"}}
but the client raises the following error each time I try to use it:
ember.debug.js:19699 Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: A helper named "ember-ckeditor" could not be found
@arnaudbesnier I think you need to install ember install ember-ckeditor