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Transparently encrypt/decrypt your cookie with Nodejs


npm npm

Transparently encrypt/decrypt your cookie using an express middleware to set after the cookie-parser. Support all type of cookie (including http-only and signed) with string content or JSON. Use aes256 as the default encryption algorithm (internally use the nodejs crypto module).


$ npm install cookie-encrypter


Easy to use:

const express = require('express')
const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser')
const cookieEncrypter = require('cookie-encrypter')
// we use a 32bits long secret key (with aes256)
const secretKey = 'foobarbaz1234567foobarbaz1234567'
const cookieParams = {
  httpOnly: true,
  signed: true,
  maxAge: 300000

const app = express()
// use it as a simple middleware

app.get('/setcookies', (req, res) => {
  // Set encrypted cookies
  res.cookie('supercookie', 'my text is encrypted', cookieParams)
  res.cookie('supercookie2', { myData: 'is encrypted' }, cookieParams)

  // You can still set plain cookies
  res.cookie('plaincookie', 'my text is plain', { plain: true })
  res.cookie('plaincookie2', { myData: 'is plain' }, { plain: true })

  res.json({ status: 'updated' })

app.get('/getcookies', (req, res) => {
  console.log('Decrypted cookies: ', req.signedCookies)
  console.log('Plain cookies: ', req.cookies)

  res.json({ status: 'ok' })


You can find a ready-to-use example here Think about the npm install before running it ;)


cookieEncrypter(secret, options)

  • secret a string or array used for encrypting cookies.
  • options an optional object to set options for encryption.
  • options.algorithm algorithm used to encrypt cookie data (any algorithm supported by OpenSSL). aes256 used as the default one.

cookieEncrypter.encryptCookie(str, options)

Encrypt a cookie value and return it. An options.algorithm can optionaly be passed to specify an algorithm to use for the encryption.

cookieEncrypter.decryptCookie(str, options)

Decrypt a cookie value and return it. An options.algorithm can optionaly be passed to specify an algorithm to use for the decryption.


See the changelog