Bocher Erwan
Bocher Erwan
It seems that the ST_Explode function is badly implemented. In debug mode the test shows that the function is visited 3 times instead of 1. Don't know if we...
In order to not break H2 with Android, the Raster data type proposed to support georeferenced image must be refactored. 1. The Raster type must be specified by a set...
It'd be nice to support this kind of query in the famous H2 db with H2GIS functions ``` select json_build_object( 'type', 'FeatureCollection', 'features', json_agg(ST_AsGeoJSON(t.*)::json) ) from ( values (1, 'one',...
Realated to this issue shared by @micycle1, we must study the interest of the TinFour library to extend H2GIS Tin functions. See :
H2 database can link table from another database with the CREATE LINKED TABLE command. This command is very useful and we use it a lot ;-). I'd love to have...
In the example the function name ST_SimplyPreserveTopology must be changed to ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology See
Update doc
- [ ] ST_GeneratePointsInGrid - [ ] ST_GeneratePoints #989 - [ ] Create table signature - [ ] UpdateGeometrySRID #1074 ## Drivers functions - [ ] ASCREAD driver #1046 -...
Improve the driver with the following options - set the type of z value (currently double for points..., int for polygons) - specify if nodata point must be imported or...