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WCS vignette with error.

Open ecor opened this issue 1 year ago • 3 comments

I rerun automatically all the chunks of the WCS vignette and the following error occurs (SEE BELOW) , when the SpatRast object should have been returned. Is it an issue of the WCS URL used? Thank you Best Emanuele @ecor

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Restarting R session... > knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE,eval=TRUE) > > library(ows4R) Loading ISO 19139 XML schemas... Loading ISO 19115 codelists... > > WCS caps chla chla_des chla Inherits from: Public: attrs: list BoundingBox: list clone: function (deep = FALSE) CoverageId: AverageChloroColorScaled CoverageSubtype: ReferenceableGridCoverage CoverageSubtypeParent: NULL defaults: list element: AbstractObject encode: function (addNS = TRUE, geometa_validate = TRUE, geometa_inspire = FALSE, ERROR: function (text) getBoundingBox: function () getClass: function () getClassName: function () getCoverage: function (bbox = NULL, crs = NULL, time = NULL, elevation = NULL, getCoverageStack: function (time = NULL, elevation = NULL, bbox = NULL, filename_handler = NULL, getDescription: function () getDimensions: function () getId: function () getNamespaceDefinition: function (recursive = FALSE) getSubtype: function () getSubtypeParent: function () getWGS84BoundingBox: function () INFO: function (text) initialize: function (xmlObj, capabilities, serviceVersion, owsVersion, logger = NULL) isFieldInheritedFrom: function (field) logger: function (type, text) loggerType: INFO namespace: OWSNamespace, R6 verbose.debug: FALSE verbose.info: TRUE WARN: function (text) WGS84BoundingBox: list wrap: FALSE Private: capabilities: WCSCapabilities, OWSCapabilities, OGCAbstractObject, R6 description: NULL dimensions: NULL fetchCoverageSummary: function (xmlObj, serviceVersion, owsVersion) fromComplexTypes: function (value) owsVersion: 2.0 system_fields: verbose.info verbose.debug loggerType wrap element names ... url: https://ows.rasdaman.org/rasdaman/ows version: 2.1.0 xmlElement: AbstractObject xmlExtraNamespaces: NULL xmlNamespacePrefix: OWS xmlNodeToCharacter: function (x, ..., indent = "", tagSeparator = "\n") Restarting R session... > knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE,eval=TRUE) > > library(ows4R) > > WCS caps chla chla_des chla_dims chla_time_instants cov_data ....\|-- lowerCorner: "2002-07-01T00:00:00.000Z" 40 -10 ....\|-- upperCorner: "2015-05-01T00:00:00.000Z" 42 -9[ows4R][INFO] WCSCoverageSummary - Fetching Coverage envelope dimensions by CRS interpretation Unknown IO errorfailed to load external entity "http://crs.rasdaman.com/def/crs-compound?1=http://crs.rasdaman.com/def/crs/OGC/0/AnsiDate&2=http://crs.rasdaman.com/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326" Error : 1: Unknown IO error2: failed to load external entity "http://crs.rasdaman.com/def/crs-compound?1=http://crs.rasdaman.com/def/crs/OGC/0/AnsiDate&2=http://crs.rasdaman.com/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326" [ows4R][ERROR] WCSCoverageSummary - Error during CRS interpretation for srsName = 'http://crs.rasdaman.com/def/crs-compound?1=http://crs.rasdaman.com/def/crs/OGC/0/AnsiDate&2=http://crs.rasdaman.com/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326' [ows4R][INFO] WCSGetCoverage - Fetching https://ows.rasdaman.org/rasdaman/ows?service=WCS&version=2.1.0&coverageId=AverageChloroColorScaled&subset=ansi(2002-07-01T00:00:00.000Z,2015-05-01T00:00:00.000Z)&subset=Lat(40,42)&subset=Lon(-10,-9)&format=image/tiff&request=GetCoverage \|=============================================================================================================\| 100% [ows4R][ERROR] WCSGetCoverage - Error while executing request 'GetCoverage' Warning: `/tmp/Rtmp3MwsDg/AverageChloroColorScaled_40,-10,42,-9.tif' not recognized as a supported file format. (GDAL error 4)Error: [rast] cannot open this file as a SpatRaster: /tmp/Rtmp3MwsDg/AverageChloroColorScaled_40,-10,42,-9.tif

ecor avatar Jan 19 '24 14:01 ecor

Thanks i will check. They mave have changed something in the Rasdaman test service I used for the Vignette.

eblondel avatar Jan 20 '24 10:01 eblondel

Something goes wrong in Rasdaman test server that is used in the examples. I've contacted their team.

eblondel avatar Jan 20 '24 14:01 eblondel

Thank you and compliments for your package.

ecor avatar Jan 20 '24 18:01 ecor