ESP32-CAM-Print-Monitor copied to clipboard
Camera print monitor for Marlin-based 3D Printers
Camera print monitor for Marlin-based 3D Printers
Getting Started
You will need:
- ESP32-CAM device
- USB to Serial bridge adapter
- 2 x 3.3V Zener Diodes 1N4728
- Suitable housing for camera
- Marlin-based 3D Printer
- Serial connection from 3D Printer
- 5V Power source or 5V connection from Printer
Connection diagram
Example without mains relay function:
Example including mains relay function(common ground connection between printer and ESP32 not drawn):
Practical Example:
- Implement Authentication
- ~~Implement expandable menu to:~~
- ~~Configurable data refresh rate~~
- ~~Ability to reboot device~~
- ~~Test Mains Relay code~~
- ~~Implement OTA updates~~
- ~~GCode helper~~
- Load index.html from SPIFFS - WIP
- Dream goal..... copy files to SD-Card over WiFi... FAST.....
In the code I'm using the following:
Serial connection to printer GPIO 14 & 15 - diodes between both these and GND to level shift to 3.3V - observe polarity
Pay attention to set the serial connection speed to the appropriate one for your printer.
GPIO 13 for relay that switches mains on/off
- @luc-github
- @Electronlibre2012