> I have to run the below cell before running the cells for Model 2 and Model 3. There may be some difference between the `MCMC` objects in Pyro and...
The custom `predict_fn` in your updated "Predictive Utility With Effect Handlers" section can be simplified - the `pyro.plate("samples", 2000)` you added plays the same role as Jax's `vmap` in this...
> Can you let me know what I need to do for this? I can't reproduce your error, but you can tell Sphinx not to treat warnings as errors by...
Hmm, I can't reproduce this on [Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/github/pyro-ppl/pyro/blob/dev/tutorial/source/vae.ipynb), and I would expect this warning/error to be suppressed by the disabling of distribution runtime checks `pyro.distributions.enable_validation(False)`. Can you run `pip freeze` and...
@lwiklendt moved to the Pyro repository, since the content in question is stored here. Feel free to open a PR with changes to those examples that you think would clarify...
@EvanZ these look awesome! I have been meaning to create a community tutorials/examples page on our website highlighting externally hosted examples, and your projects look like a great incentive for...
Not sure what's going on, but the tutorial HTML build is taking forever on the GitHub CI machines. I might have to move this to a separate stage to avoid...
Still, even on my slow personal laptop `make tutorial` runs in seconds with no cached builds - there's no way GitHub should be taking 25+ minutes.
> Should we automatically use these in AutoGuide and MCMC? Would it also make sense to refactor the automatic transformation to unconstrained space in [MCMC](https://github.com/pyro-ppl/pyro/blob/dev/pyro/infer/mcmc/util.py#L335) and [ADVI](https://github.com/pyro-ppl/pyro/blob/dev/pyro/infer/autoguide/guides.py#L710) to use `poutine.reparam`...
Also, the [enumeration strategies](https://github.com/pyro-ppl/pyro/blob/dev/pyro/poutine/enum_messenger.py#L55) are tantalizingly close to being `Reparam` classes - I wonder if we could actually rewrite them that way and make `config_enumerate` into a special case of...