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Controlling font size of check_model() axis labels and plot titles
I am looking for a way to control (in my case, reduce) the font sizes used in the plots generated by check_model().
Is there some way to do this? I have tried passing arguments to the print() method after capturing the check_model() output in a variable, like this:
plots <- check_model(m)
print(plots, main="this is a test")
But that does not work. Seems like I could pass something via the ... in check_model() to be used by see, but that is unclear. Would another solution be to create my own custom see theme?
I have also seen reference to a "base" parameter that could work to scale the fonts.
The current release of see doesn't make it easy to access these plots for further tweaking.
If you run the function below, you can then do:
diagnostics <- check_model(mod)
diag_plots <- plot(diagnostics, return_list = TRUE)
to get a list of the individual plots. These are regular ggplot objects, so you can add more geoms, themes, etc. to them as you like.
plot.see_check_model <- function (x, style = theme_lucid,
colors = c("#3aaf85", "#1b6ca8", "#cd201f"),
return_list = FALSE,
orig_x <- x
p <- list()
if (isTRUE(return_list)) {
panel <- FALSE
} else {
panel <- attr(x, "panel")
check <- attr(x, "check")
size_point <- attr(x, "dot_size")
size_line <- attr(x, "line_size")
size_text <- attr(x, "text_size")
alpha_level <- attr(x, "alpha")
dot_alpha_level <- attr(x, "dot_alpha")
detrend <- attr(x, "detrend")
if (missing(style) && !is.null(attr(x, "theme"))) {
theme_style <- unlist(strsplit(attr(x, "theme"), "::",
fixed = TRUE))
style <- get(theme_style[2], asNamespace(theme_style[1]))
if (missing(colors)) {
colors <- attr(x, "colors")
if (is.null(colors)) {
colors <- c("#3aaf85", "#1b6ca8", "#cd201f")
colors <- unname(colors)
if (is.null(alpha_level)) {
alpha_level <- 0.2
if (is.null(dot_alpha_level)) {
dot_alpha_level <- 0.8
if (is.null(check))
check <- "all"
if ("NCV" %in% names(x) && any(c("ncv", "linearity", "all") %in%
check)) {
p$NCV <- see:::.plot_diag_linearity(x$NCV, size_point, size_line,
alpha_level, theme_style = style, colors = colors,
dot_alpha_level = dot_alpha_level)
if ("HOMOGENEITY" %in% names(x) && any(c("homogeneity",
"all") %in% check)) {
p$HOMOGENEITY <- see:::.plot_diag_homogeneity(x$HOMOGENEITY,
size_point, size_line, alpha_level, theme_style = style,
colors = colors, dot_alpha_level = dot_alpha_level)
if ("VIF" %in% names(x) && any(c("vif", "all") %in% check)) {
p$VIF <- see:::.plot_diag_vif(x$VIF, theme_style = style,
colors = colors)
if ("OUTLIERS" %in% names(x) && any(c("outliers", "all") %in%
check)) {
p$OUTLIERS <- see:::.plot_diag_outliers_new(x$INFLUENTIAL,
size_text = size_text, size_line = size_line, theme_style = style,
colors = colors, dot_alpha_level = dot_alpha_level)
if ("QQ" %in% names(x) && any(c("qq", "all") %in% check)) {
p$QQ <- see:::.plot_diag_qq(x$QQ, size_point, size_line, alpha_level = alpha_level,
detrend = detrend, theme_style = style, colors = colors,
dot_alpha_level = dot_alpha_level)
if ("NORM" %in% names(x) && any(c("normality", "all") %in%
check)) {
p$NORM <- see:::.plot_diag_norm(x$NORM, size_line, alpha_level = alpha_level,
theme_style = style, colors = colors)
if ("REQQ" %in% names(x) && any(c("reqq", "all") %in% check)) {
ps <- see:::.plot_diag_reqq(x$REQQ, size_point, size_line,
alpha_level = alpha_level, theme_style = style,
colors = colors, dot_alpha_level = dot_alpha_level)
for (i in 1:length(ps)) {
p[[length(p) + 1]] <- ps[[i]]
if (panel) {
suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(, p)))
else {
It would be great if we could pass a named list of lists with extra ggplot layers to be applied to specific plots. In my use case I experience overplotting on the collinearity plot and would like to add scale_x_discrete(guide = guide_axis( = 2))
to this one plot.
So maybe something like:
extra_layers = list(
"collinearity"=list(scale_x_discrete(guide = guide_axis( = 2))),
"normality"=list(theme_bw(), labs(subtitle="my text"))
What do you think?
Now that see uses patchwork to combine plots, I think it makes more sense to leave this sort of tweaking to editing post-plot-creation:
m <- lm(mpg ~ factor(cyl) + disp + hp, data = mtcars)
pp <- check_model(m)
p <- plot(pp)
p[[3]] <- p[[3]] + labs(y = "Variance Inflation\nFactor (VIF)")
p[[6]] <- p[[6]] + xlim(c(-5, 6))
Created on 2021-07-26 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)