correlation copied to clipboard
:link: Methods for Correlation Analysis
Note the following examples: ``` r res Parameter1 | Parameter2 | r | t | df | p | 95% CI | Method | n_Obs #> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #> mpg |...
See `n_Obs` element here. Instead of `32.00`, these should be `32`. ``` r library(correlation) as.list(correlation(mtcars)) #> r #> --- #> Parameter | carb | gear | am | vs |...
Hello, Many thanks for your easystats project! In the latest version of correlation on CRAN, I encounter an unexpected behavior when including factors: ```r mtcars$am
I'm still new to the sandwich estimator and other population-average methods, but it seems like enabling the ability to combine these with correlation coefficients would be a nice feature for...
I remember mentioning this somewhere, but I'll rephrase it here for future reference: Sometimes we want to correlate x and y, where x is, for instance, the mean score of...
Currently I can only partialize by all the "other" selected columns (the ones that aren't part of the correlation). It would be nice to be able to "fix" which columns...
See Could be a method since it behaves similarly to correlations.
I have no idea of the maths behind these methods, but it would be great to be able to do it using a Bayesian estimation. No idea how hard/easy this...
Dear Dominick, First of all, thank you very much for your creating the correlation function. You guys are really filling a gap in both Psychology and Neurosciences. Well done! I...
Similar to cor_to_pcor, just need to pass the cov matrix.