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:ghost: Utilities for analyzing Bayesian models and posterior distributions

Results 49 bayestestR issues
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newest added Reminder for self, once this is published, just provide citation for the paper and redirect readers to the article webpage for the following vignettes: - [ ] Get Started...

docs :books:
high priority :runner:

**Question and context** Hello, I was wondering if anyone has ideas about how to plot the ROPE analysis without plotting the intercepts. here is what I tried that did not...

``` r data(iris) model Parameter p BF #> 1 (Intercept) 1.005180e-11 3.693268e-10 #> 2 Sepal.Length 1.121002e-28 4.118823e-27 #> 3 Speciesversicolor 9.645641e-67 3.544035e-65 #> 4 Speciesvirginica 4.917626e-71 1.806851e-69 ``` Created on...

> you see that correlations are not bounded between [-1, 1]. This is something to be fixed in bayestestR, I think, but do you have any idea how to transform...

bug :bug:
consistency :green_apple: :apple:

Under 'Comparison with JASP', the vignette [the Bayes factors vignette]( moves to use 'BayesFactor::anovaBF()', with no mention of the fact (unless there is magic under the hood that I have...

See `?estimate_denstity` (`"posterior"`) or `?describe_posterior` (`"posteriors"`). We should use one of the two, not mixing both. Opinions? @bwiernik @mattansb @DominiqueMakowski

docs :books:
consistency :green_apple: :apple:

*related to* ``` r library(BayesFactor) mtcars$cyl

bug :bug:

I've encountered a few times a bug (that led to upstream bugs in `parameters()`) But I can't reproduce it... I don't know if it's a matter of like model convergence...

bug :bug:
3 investigators :grey_question::question:

See discussion at There are several algorithms how to compute HDIs, and we're not explicit in our docs which one we use in _bayestestR_.

docs :books:

In the debate whether yes or no Bayesian analyses could/should be "corrected" for multiple testing, comparisons and false positives, this suggests extending the null control method (implemented in JASP): [Null_Control_Jong.pdf](

feature idea :fire: