flink-service-discovery copied to clipboard
Discover Flink clusters on Hadoop YARN for Prometheus
Discover your Flink clusters on Hadoop YARN and let Prometheus know. flink-service-discovery runs in two different modes:
- Single mode
- Given an application ID, it discovers just a single Flink cluster identified by the ID.
- Service mode
- Otherwise, it runs as a standalone service which monitors new applications on YARN and for each newly launched application, does the same as in the single mode.
flink-service-discovery communicates with YARN ResourceManager and Flink JobManager via REST APIs, and communicates with Prometheus via its file-based service discovery mechanism.
Getting Started
Make sure you have all of the following prerequisites installed:
- python 3.4 or higher
- requests
usage: discovery.py [-h] [--app-id APP_ID] [--name-filter NAME_FILTER]
[--target-dir TARGET_DIR] [--poll-interval POLL_INTERVAL]
Discover Flink clusters on Hadoop YARN for Prometheus
positional arguments:
rm_addr (required) Specify yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.address
of your YARN cluster.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--app-id APP_ID If specified, this program runs once for the
application. Otherwise, it runs as a service.
--name-filter NAME_FILTER
A regex to specify applications to watch.
--target-dir TARGET_DIR
If specified, this program writes the target
information to a file on the directory. Files are
named after the application ids. Otherwise, it prints
to stdout.
--poll-interval POLL_INTERVAL
Polling interval to YARN in seconds to check
applications that are newly added or recently
finished. Default is 5 seconds.
Single mode
Let's discover all the Prometheus exporters of a Flink cluster identified by "application_1528160315197_0081". Here I assume that the cluster consists of one JobManager and three TaskManagers.
Output to stdout
$ python discovery.py http://master:8088 --app-id application_1528160315197_0081
[{"targets": ["slave03:9249", "slave01:9249", "slave02:9250", "slave02:9249"]}]
Output to a directory
Let's say I have configured prometheus.yml as shown in this link:
- job_name: 'flink-service-discovery'
- refresh_interval: 10s
- /etc/prometheus/flink-service-discovery/application_*.json
As Prometheus is configured to watch /etc/prometheus/flink-service-discovery/application_*.json, I want to set --targer-directory to /etc/prometheus/flink-service-discovery. When --target-directory is specified, a file named after the application id is created under the specified target directory.
$ python discovery.py http://master:8088 --app-id application_1528160315197_0081 --target-directory /etc/prometheus/flink-service-discovery
/etc/prometheus/flink-service-discovery/application_1528160315197_0081.json : [{"targets": ["slave03:9249", "slave01:9249", "slave02:9250", "slave02:9249"]}]
Prometheus starts scrapping from the new Flink cluster soon after application_1528160315197_0081.json is created under /etc/prometheus/flink-service-discovery/
Service mode
flink-service-discovery in a service mode checks whether a new job is submitted or a previously running job is finished every 5 seconds. You can adjust the polling interval by giving other values to the --poll-interval argument. The --name-filter argument is quite necessary in production Hadoop clusters because you only want to discover Flink clusters out of the whole list of applications.
In this example, I am going to submit a Flink cluster to YARN and shut it down after a while to see whether flink-service-discovery detects changes in the list of applications and accordingly takes actions.
$ python discovery.py http://master:8088 --target-dir /etc/prometheus/flink-service-discovery
start polling every 5 seconds.
==== Wed Aug 1 16:53:00 2018 ====
# running apps : 3
# added : {'application_1528160315197_0082'}
# removed : set()
runningContainers(4) != jobmanager(1)+taskmanagers(0)
runningContainers(4) != jobmanager(1)+taskmanagers(2)
/etc/prometheus/flink-service-discovery/application_1528160315197_0082.json : [{"targets": ["slave01:9250", "slave02:9251", "slave03:9250", "slave03:9251"]}]
==== Wed Aug 1 16:55:00 2018 ====
# running apps : 2
# added : set()
# removed : {'application_1528160315197_0082'}
/etc/prometheus/flink-service-discovery/application_1528160315197_0082.json deleted