ssh-deploy icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ssh-deploy copied to clipboard

GitHub Action for deploying code via rsync over ssh. (with NodeJS)

Results 46 ssh-deploy issues
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``` 2020-10-22T07:41:24.5568739Z [Rsync] Starting Rsync Action: /home/runner/work/oa/oa/dist/ to ***@***:*** 2020-10-22T07:41:31.1770919Z ⚠️ [Rsync] error: rsync exited with code 23 2020-10-22T07:41:31.1773617Z ⚠️ [Rsync] stderr: Warning: Permanently added '***' (ECDSA) to the list...

OIDC is the preferred way for accessing the AWS resources from Github, keeping security top priority in mind.

I getting this error, and already check my paths ![Screen Shot 2022-06-04 at 17 43 17]( )

Hello, Here's my yml file: ``` name: Deploy on: push: branches: - master jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Install Node.js uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: '10.x'...

My purpose is to hope `Github Actions` can deploy Hexo blog into Ali Cloud server, according to the documentation my actions file is as follows: ```yml name: Aliyun Server CI...

Does not run command in ssh? Hello, excellent work this script to deploy, I have used it in PHP project and it has worked wonderfully. I recently decided to use...


11 comment

Please what am I missing? I'm getting the error below: ``` [general] GITHUB_WORKSPACE: /home/runner/work/wordpress/wordpress [SSH] /home/runner/.ssh dir exist [SSH] /home/runner/.ssh/known_hosts file exist ✅ Ssh key added to `.ssh` dir /home/runner/.ssh/deploy_key...

[](url) For web multi-page applications, the files in the dist will be deleted before deployment. Can it be directly overwritten? ?

In order to use **easingthemes /ssh-deploy**, what IPs should be allowed in EC2 instance security group where we want to deploy code. Since GitHUB action runner can assume any IP,...

Bumps [minimist]( from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6. Commits 7efb22a 1.2.6 ef88b93 security notice for additional prototype pollution issue c2b9819 isConstructorOrProto adapted from PR bc8ecee test from prototype pollution PR See full...
