Ben Kurtovic

Results 91 comments of Ben Kurtovic

Yes, this is a good idea: I did some work on it in response to #38 but got distracted and never finished. I will get around to it eventually, I...

There's nothing built-in to do this, and it seems a bit dangerous to add because a temporary issue with the remote (like a permissions issue) would cause your local copy...

Something like this will work: `gitup . -e 'bash -c "git ls-remote --exit-code >/dev/null 2>&1 || (rm -rf $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) && echo deleted)"'` Just keep in mind that it's...

Good idea, though we want to be careful to not flood github with 20 concurrent pulls—I don't know if that would bother them.

It's a good suggestion, though `-e` is taken, so maybe `-x` for `--exclude`. We could also do a glob/gitignore-style thing to add rules like `-g '!.db_dumps'`, `-g '!foo*'` (thinking of...

Well, it's an old script that I made while still playing around with git / Python packaging, and I haven't touched it much since, so it's devoid of many features...

gitup doesn't have a great test suite—I started working on one as a proof of concept but didn't spend a lot of time on it. I will improve it and...

Not sure how that would work. What sort of broken repos could it detect? I'm not sure what outdated auth means in this case. Or are you just looking for...

I don't understand. gitup doesn't stop updating just because one repo has an error. Can you check again? Edit: Never mind, I get it.

That seems fair. I'll see what I can do.