Published. Waited overnight for sync. Moved harmonised files across. Gave list of GCSTs to James to be removed from harmonisation queue. Done.
Need to keep GCST005806
@jdhayhurst Hi James, I have created a submission, id '6391fa884e749e00010afd78'. Please push through sumstats validation if you're happy to.
@sajo-ebi Please can you change GCST90240119 to GCST005806 ?
Published to Catalog. Still to do: - create symlink to raw tarball file under GCST005806 - copy harmonised files over once sumstats released to public. - remove GCSTs from harmonisation...
Harmonised files have been copied across. @jdhayhurst Here is the list of GCSTs to be removed from the harmonisation queue: [https://app.zenhub.com/files/2995118/c2c35110-c796-43ef-bcdb-08a3fdd3eba5/download](https://app.zenhub.com/files/2995118/c2c35110-c796-43ef-bcdb-08a3fdd3eba5/download) Let me know if I can help with the...
@ljwh2 not waiting for EFO
Need to keep GCST002443
@sajo-ebi Hi Sajo please could you change the following GCSTs: From GCST90243402 to GCST002443 From GCST90243934 to GCST002442 submission id '6391f4fcff81b70001d148cc'
GCSTs changed as above and publication imported to Catalog. Published to Catalog.