random-forests-clj copied to clipboard
An incomplete implementation of Random Forests in Clojure
Random Forests in Clojure
A simple implementation of Random Forests for classification and regression in Clojure.
- Supports categorical, continuous and text features (as bag of words)
- Supports classification
- Supports regression
- Estimates out of sample error during training
- All training examples must fit into memory
- Forests are not serialized
A description of random forests can be found at: http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~breiman/RandomForests/.
Decision trees are constructed recursively as anonymous functions choosing splitting nodes that minimize the Gini impurity. A textual representation of the generated tree is generated and stored as meta data.
To use add to your project.clj
[random-forests-clj "0.2.0"]
Feaures are represented by the index in the training example. A forest can be built using the build-random-forest
method providing the training examples and the indices of the features to use.
(use 'random-forests.core)
;; target is in the last position
(def examples (list ["M" "<25" 1] ["M" "<40" 0] ["F" "<35" 1] ["F" "<30" 1]))
;; features can be :continuous, :categorical or :text
(def features (set (list (feature "gender" 0 :categorical) (feature "age" 1 :categorical))))
;; return a lazy sequence of decision trees with:
;; - 2 random feature values to determine split per splitting node
;; - a bootstrap resample of 3 examples per tree
(def t (first (build-random-forest examples features 2 3)))
;; meta data on the Clojure function t contains a text representation of the tree
(:tree (meta t)) ;; => "if(age==<40){0}else{1}"
;; also predictions on held out data are included
(:eval (meta t)) ;; => {["M" "<25" 1] [1]}
Each tree is a function, and new examples can classified by calling the function:
(t ["M" "<20"]) ;; => 1
Feature Encoding
Categorical features can be left as strings, continuous features should be stored as doubles, text features should be stored as sets:
(use '[random-forests.encoding :only (text-tokens)])
;; text features should be encoded as text using text-tokens for stemming
(set (text-tokens "this is a text training example")) ;; => #{"train" "text" "exampl"}
;; training examples with categorical, continuous and text feature
;; (target is last element)
(def examples (list ["a" 4.5 #{"foo" "bar"} 1] ["b" 4.6 #{"bar" "baz"} 0])
Command Line Usage
Models can built from the command line using lein run
Switches Default Desc
-------- ------- ----
-h, --no-help, --help false Show help
-f, --features [] Features specification (matching CSV header): name=continuous,foo=text
-s, --size 1000 Size of bootstrap sample per tree
-m, --split 100 Number of features to sample for each split
-o, --output Write detailed training error output in CSV format to output file
-t, --target Prediction target name
-b, --no-binary, --binary false Perform binary classification of target (measures AUC loss)
-l, --limit 100 Number of trees to build
To build a binary classifier on the provided test data set using a forest of 500 trees:
lein run -f V1=categorical,V2=categorical,V3=categorical,V4=categorical,V5=categorical,V6=categorical,V7=categorical,V8=categorical,V9=categorical \
-l 500 \
-t target=continuous \
-b \
which will output out of sample AUC loss for the entire forest as each tree is added to the forest:
1: 0.875000
2: 0.843000
3: 0.824000
4: 0.798000
5: 0.843000
6: 0.855000
7: 0.855000
8: 0.878000
9: 0.864000
10: 0.883000
11: 0.879000
12: 0.892000
13: 0.906000
14: 0.906000
15: 0.935000
Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Erik Andrejko
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.