Awesome, @tantany. You can take it. Thanks!
This really seems to be an OS thing. Which OS is giving you the incorrect output?
Hm. Yes. I can understand why this happens. Unfortunately, the picker is bundled in a way that relies on injecting the style tags at least for this major version. Next...
Interesting. Can you confirm that this indeed comes from the package itself? If so, do you know where and when exactly it happens? Because this looks to have come from...
Yes, I can confirm I see this. Luckily, this has been worked on in the new version of the picker. Here you can try it out https://codesandbox.io/s/floral-rgb-z2gkzp?file=/src/App.tsx It seems to...
V4 has been released, v3 will not be modified to support this as well.
Hey @Todd89, thank you for taking the time and effort to changing making changes in the projects. I'd love to review it, but from what it seems, it includes changes...
https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11255103/188287691-d8696bef-a2b5-4d68-b47a-2a1190e0b412.mov https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11255103/188287706-51c23886-0291-4602-aad3-4d3ce509ba6a.mov
v4 is out. closing
Hey @nadeemkhed, thanks for the feedback. Glad that you're enjoying the picker. This sounds like a very useful feature to have. Please, allow me to iterate on it and get...