Charles Chin

Results 43 issues of Charles Chin

### Is your feature request related to a problem? Webhook 功能。 ### Describe the solution you'd like 在别的站点有引用到 Memos ,但是因为 Memos 的数量较多,实时引用会有性能方面的损耗。 如果有 Webhook 功能,可以在发布 Memos 后,触发其他站点的 CI 重新构建,直接把 Memos...


### Describe the bug Someone registered an account in my memos, but I am sure that I have disabled the registration, and my password was also generated by Bitwarden. Today,...


### Describe the bug When clicking on the input box for the first time on a mobile device, the search box will automatically appear and cover the input box. ###...


**Bug Description** Please provide a clear and concise description of what the bug is. **Steps to Reproduce** Please provide the steps to reproduce the bug: 1. Go to "..." 2....

``` Error The deployment failed: error sending request for url ([email protected]/ssr.js): error trying to connect: dns error: failed to lookup address information: Name or service not known ```

使用体验中有几处不太方便的地方: - 验证模式好像只有 slide 模式,如果改成 AI 模式可能更方便; - 验证码模板弹出层是全屏遮罩的,有点割裂感,弹出层可以改为验证模块大小比较好,也可以调成 [官网 DEMO]( 的背景透明度就好; - 验证码可以直接使用 `bind` 类型,现在的使用体验中,点击`发送评论`后,会多出一步点击验证,再次点击才会出现验证模块,建议直接点击`发送评论`直接弹出验证码模块,用户反馈中这一点提及也比较多。 看到最近有活跃更新,突然就想起来了这些,还有些一时想不起来,以后慢慢补充吧。非常感谢!❤️❤️❤️


### Describe the bug 描述你遇到的错误 is blocked by default by some adblock extensions ### Expected behavior 期待的行为 I think we can self host. > ref: ### Screenshots 屏幕截图 -...


**Describe the bug** The rendering is misaligned when the shortcode `github` is under the `timelineItem` ``` {{< timeline >}} {{< timelineItem icon="hugo" header="Blowfish" badge="Apr 10, 2024" >}} Hugo blowfish {{<...
