Lukas Dürrenberger

Results 306 comments of Lukas Dürrenberger

- Added the public API changes at the top to get a faster overview. - Hid comments that have already been addressed to keep a bit of an overview. -...

> It's still not clear to me why effect can't be a const ref here, same as sf::SoundBuffer is passed by const ref to sf::Sound::setBuffer. To remove effect, we can...

`setVolume` currently deals in the range of `0.f` to `1.f`, which is different to the `sf::SoundSource::setVolume` with a range of `0.f` to `100.f`. Both work since it's just basic math,...

The ranges are currently silently clamped to the min or max allowed value. That way even if you pass in like `-10.f` the property will be set to for example...

IMHO doing some best-effort known key filtering, isn't really an acceptable solution. As soon as the best-effort isn't covered anymore, SFML shouldn't just send whatever combinations of pressed and released...

There's no reason to lock-in on a specific package manager, when one can just use FetchContent in CMake, plus it enables also additional intermixing with other package managers. Additionally, I've...

@vittorioromeo did you already want to close this, or want to keep it open for PCH consideration? > Is there a reason why the 3.0 branch only requires CMake 3.8...

Anything still open on this topic?

Currently SFML doesn't support a mix and match of libs. You can either set `SFML_USE_SYSTEM_DEPS` and provide all the dependencies yourself or let SFML find the dependencies. If the necessary...