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Can the version converter be re enabled.

Open Johnka2 opened this issue 2 years ago • 6 comments

We have an existing project version 19.2.10 .net framework. Can we enable version converter on latest reactive modules? If not what is the last version of reactive modules that had version converter working.

Johnka2 avatar Feb 27 '22 19:02 Johnka2

there are plans to reenable it however once there is a history that worths it, now is disabled cause of the switching to .NET5. What is the issue?

apobekiaris avatar Feb 28 '22 04:02 apobekiaris

ah i see i haven't read the full msg, in short you may attempt your self, it can work if u not want to support the universe. e.g. .NET5 compiled packages won't work. The versionconverter has minimum support for .NET5 currently

apobekiaris avatar Feb 28 '22 04:02 apobekiaris

That's ok. So how do I re enabled it for .net framework.

Johnka2 avatar Feb 28 '22 06:02 Johnka2

uncommend the return line in VersionConverter.ps1 found ion your nuget folder, however I did not test my suggestion

apobekiaris avatar Feb 28 '22 06:02 apobekiaris

Initial installation of nuget requires version 21.2.5.

Johnka2 avatar Mar 01 '22 13:03 Johnka2

May be I will compile the sources

Johnka2 avatar Mar 01 '22 13:03 Johnka2

Closing issue for age. Feel free to reopen it at any time.

.Thank you for your contribution.

expand avatar Dec 11 '23 21:12 expand