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This is the implementation for our graph embedding paper published in CIKM18: JUST - Are Meta-Paths Necessary? Revisiting Heterogeneous Graph Embeddings
This code was developed using Python 2.7
Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
How to run example: python src/main.py --input Datasets/DBLP/dblp.edgelist --node_types Datasets/DBLP/dblp_node_types.txt --dimensions 128 --walk_length 100 --num_walks 10 --window-size 10 --alpha 0.5 --output dblp.embeddings
- Edgelist format, the prefix of each node should indicate the node type. typeID1 typeID2
- Node_types: Structure of heterogeneous graph. Indicating heterogeneous connections. Eg: author : paper topic : paper venue : paper paper : author paper : topic paper : venue
Output: Embedding file containing: Header + node id and d dimensional representation
Citing: @inproceedings{hussein2018meta, title={Are Meta-Paths Necessary?: Revisiting Heterogeneous Graph Embeddings}, author={Hussein, Rana and Yang, Dingqi and Cudr{'e}-Mauroux, Philippe}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management}, pages={437--446}, year={2018}, organization={ACM} }