jupyterlab_thredds copied to clipboard
JupyterLab dataset browser for THREDDS catalog
While retaining error reporting
The `tests/test_crawler.py` test fails. It uses a recording of THREDDS server using [vcrpy](https://pypi.org/project/vcrpy/), but the recording does not capture all the request the crawler is doing. Causing the test to...
The ESGF functionality was added and released, but not documented.
Filling in a THREDDS url and switching to ESGF keeps the THREDDS url and results showing. The urls should get their own text box.
Currently the extension uses a THREDDS server running on localhost as the default. So it expects you to have a THREDDS server running locally which makes it hard to quickly...
The thredds browser can now only inject cells into notebooks running a Python kernel. Adding support for a different language would help to show the flexibility of the tool. The...
To get the exception propagation to work an [await task](https://github.com/eWaterCycle/jupyterlab_thredds/blob/master/jupyterlab_thredds/crawler.py#L158) was added. This causes the crawler to wait for each fetch to complete before starting a new one. The crawler...
The server extension can be configured by adding ```python c.ThreddsConfig.maxtasks = 100 c.ThreddsConfig.timeout = 60 ``` to `~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py`. For a lab extension it would make more sense if the settings...
Now no feedback is given how the crawling of the catalog is progressing.