Plugin Name The Plugin Name from the readme file falling back on the Plugin Name specified in the plugin header.
Can https://api.wordpress.org/plugins/info/1.2/?action=plugin_information&request[slug]=pluginslug be used to speed up the process?
Offer a possibility to check trunk only if the default is going to stable. Could be useful esp for people that are just switching to i18n but don't want to...
If trunk says stable tag is 2.0.3, then tags/2.0.3/readme.txt has to have that value and so does /tags/2.0.3/pluginheaders.php They all have to be in sync. Readme + tag/readme + tag/main-plugin-file...
Getting one php file after another for finding the 'main' php file and to look for load_plugin_textdomain might be very time consuming using the current way. It might be more...