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'writing-mode' property is not working

Open vishnudas707 opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

Hi @eKoopmans , I'm facing an issue with 'writing-mode' CSS property while generating PDF. I have added writing-mode: vertical-rl; style. this is the page screenshot before my print image

While taking the print this property is not getting evaluated. this is the screenshot after print. image

Here is my options

var opt = {
        margin: [1.3, .3, 1.7, .3], //top, left, buttom, right        
        filename: 'Initial_Contract.pdf',
        image: { type: 'jpeg', quality: 1 },
        html2canvas: { scale: 3, allowTaint: false, useCORS: true },
        jsPDF: { unit: 'in', format: 'letter', orientation: 'landscape' },   
        pagebreak: { mode: 'avoid-all', after: '.pageBreak' }

vishnudas707 avatar May 19 '21 12:05 vishnudas707

I’m facing the same issue. In my case I’m trying to turn a whole

so it prints as a horizontal page amongst vertical pages. The table has turned but the text refuses to

WardoPo avatar Mar 30 '23 21:03 WardoPo