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BUG: coords_from_node_geodata with "ignore_zero_length" causes index mismatch
if ignore_zero_length (default True), the coords array skips the entries with zero length lines but the array with indices elements_with_geo still includes such lines. If from and to bus of a line have the same coordinates, the lengths of coords and elements_with_geo do not match, and an error is raised elsewhere.
It seems like the variable elements_with_geo should be updated to consider the fact that coords skips a line. Alternatively, the parameter ignore_zero_length should be dropped outright, and the user should be warned if there are any zero-lengths entries in coords.
I remember that problems could arise with these zero-length branches. It should of course be considered for the elements_with_geo, so I suggest the following code:
def coords_from_node_geodata(element_indices, from_nodes, to_nodes, node_geodata, table_name,
node_name="Bus", ignore_zero_length=True):
Auxiliary function to get the node coordinates for a number of branches with respective from
and to nodes. The branch elements for which there is no geodata available are not included in
the final list of coordinates.
:param element_indices: Indices of the branch elements for which to find node geodata
:type element_indices: iterable
:param from_nodes: Indices of the starting nodes
:type from_nodes: iterable
:param to_nodes: Indices of the ending nodes
:type to_nodes: iterable
:param node_geodata: Dataframe containing x and y coordinates of the nodes
:type node_geodata: pd.DataFrame
:param table_name: Name of the table that the branches belong to (only for logging)
:type table_name: str
:param node_name: Name of the node type (only for logging)
:type node_name: str, default "Bus"
:param ignore_zero_length: States if branches should be left out, if their length is zero, i.e.\
from_node_coords = to_node_coords
:type ignore_zero_length: bool, default True
:return: Return values are:\
- coords (list) - list of branch coordinates of shape (N, (2, 2))\
- elements_with_geo (set) - the indices of branch elements for which coordinates wer found\
in the node geodata table
have_geo = np.isin(from_nodes, node_geodata.index.values) \
& np.isin(to_nodes, node_geodata.index.values)
elements_with_geo = element_indices[have_geo]
fb_with_geo, tb_with_geo = from_nodes[have_geo], to_nodes[have_geo]
x_from_values = node_geodata.x[fb_with_geo].values
y_from_values = node_geodata.y[fb_with_geo].values
x_to_values = node_geodata.x[tb_with_geo].values
y_to_values = node_geodata.y[tb_with_geo].values
ignored_elem = np.full(len(x_from_values), False)
if ignore_zero_length:
ignored_elem = (x_from_values == x_to_values) & (y_from_values == y_to_values)
if np.any(ignored_elem):"%s %s will be dropped, as their from and to %s coordinates are identical."
% (table_name + "s", elements_with_geo.index[ignored_elem], node_name))
coords = [[(x_from, y_from), (x_to, y_to)] for x_from, y_from, x_to, y_to
in zip([x_from_values[~ignored_elem], y_from_values[~ignored_elem],
x_to_values[~ignored_elem], y_to_values[~ignored_elem]])]
elements_without_geo = set(element_indices) - set(elements_with_geo)
if len(elements_without_geo) > 0:
logger.warning("No coords found for %s %s. %s geodata is missing for those %s!"
% (table_name + "s", elements_without_geo, node_name, table_name + "s"))
elements_with_geo = elements_with_geo[~ignored_elem]
return coords, elements_with_geo
Do you have any test dataset? Could you test the code snippet? Unfortunately, there are no tests implemented in pandapower for this.
I encountered two small issues when running this code:
- elements_with_geo is already an index
- The zipped items should not be in list
This results in the following snippet worked for my case, it would be nice to see this issue closed.
def coords_from_node_geodata(element_indices, from_nodes, to_nodes, node_geodata, table_name,
node_name="Bus", ignore_zero_length=True):
Auxiliary function to get the node coordinates for a number of branches with respective from
and to nodes. The branch elements for which there is no geodata available are not included in
the final list of coordinates.
:param element_indices: Indices of the branch elements for which to find node geodata
:type element_indices: iterable
:param from_nodes: Indices of the starting nodes
:type from_nodes: iterable
:param to_nodes: Indices of the ending nodes
:type to_nodes: iterable
:param node_geodata: Dataframe containing x and y coordinates of the nodes
:type node_geodata: pd.DataFrame
:param table_name: Name of the table that the branches belong to (only for logging)
:type table_name: str
:param node_name: Name of the node type (only for logging)
:type node_name: str, default "Bus"
:param ignore_zero_length: States if branches should be left out, if their length is zero, i.e.\
from_node_coords = to_node_coords
:type ignore_zero_length: bool, default True
:return: Return values are:\
- coords (list) - list of branch coordinates of shape (N, (2, 2))\
- elements_with_geo (set) - the indices of branch elements for which coordinates wer found\
in the node geodata table
have_geo = np.isin(from_nodes, node_geodata.index.values) \
& np.isin(to_nodes, node_geodata.index.values)
elements_with_geo = element_indices[have_geo]
fb_with_geo, tb_with_geo = from_nodes[have_geo], to_nodes[have_geo]
x_from_values = node_geodata.x[fb_with_geo].values
y_from_values = node_geodata.y[fb_with_geo].values
x_to_values = node_geodata.x[tb_with_geo].values
y_to_values = node_geodata.y[tb_with_geo].values
ignored_elem = np.full(len(x_from_values), False)
if ignore_zero_length:
ignored_elem = (x_from_values == x_to_values) & (y_from_values == y_to_values)
if np.any(ignored_elem):"%s %s will be dropped, as their from and to %s coordinates are identical."
% (table_name + "s", elements_with_geo[ignored_elem], node_name))
coords = [[(x_from, y_from), (x_to, y_to)] for x_from, y_from, x_to, y_to
in zip(x_from_values[~ignored_elem], y_from_values[~ignored_elem],
x_to_values[~ignored_elem], y_to_values[~ignored_elem])]
elements_without_geo = set(element_indices) - set(elements_with_geo)
if len(elements_without_geo) > 0:
logger.warning("No coords found for %s %s. %s geodata is missing for those %s!"
% (table_name + "s", elements_without_geo, node_name, table_name + "s"))
elements_with_geo = elements_with_geo[~ignored_elem]
return coords, elements_with_geo