
Results 290 issues of dzmitry-lahoda

I see that BCL has some tests for Expressions. Will it be any value to port some of these in wich FEC lacks? Good task for new comers.

I have made changes for one of story. But not sure if that case, may be not so often, #59, will do degrade performance? May be some step by step...

help wanted

Now: ``` public static TDelegate TryCompile(this LambdaExpression lambdaExpr) where TDelegate : class => ``` With C# 7.3 could be ``` public static TDelegate TryCompile(this LambdaExpression lambdaExpr) where TDelegate : System.Delegate...

.NET Core `csproj` can have `nuget` build in. Really simplifies solution and does all from `dotnet` cli easy.

``` public static class TimeSpanExtensions { public static TimeSpan SubtractSaturating(this TimeSpan self, TimeSpan other) => self >= other ? self.Subtract(other) : TimeSpan.Zero; } ```

will donate 23 USD in crypto for such embed feature

- in release we do not want to show full compilation file path from panic info - because it reveals interanals - can we disable it, may be via some...


``` error: to use a constant of type `Mime` in a pattern, `Mime` must be annotated with `#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]` ```