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Testing AngularJS applications with Jest


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Testing AngularJS applications with Jest. You can see the article on Medium for more information: AngularJS and Jest. Three steps to improve your legacy frontend tests.


npm install angularjs-jest --save-dev or yarn add --dev angularjs-jest

Required libraries in your project:

  • angular in version 1.5.0 or higher
  • angular-mocks in version 1.5.0 or higher
  • jest in version higher than 23.0.1


Test app setup

import { createTestApp } from 'angularjs-jest';

const testApp = createTestApp({

  // modules to include in test app (optional)
  modules: ['some.test.module'],
  // services or service components to mock in test app (optional)
  mocks: {
    SomeSyncService: { get: () => 42 },
    SomeAsyncService: { getAsync: () => Promise.resolve('42, I promise') },
  // additional services or service components you want to access (optional)
  access: ['$http']

Testing the view

testApp.$ = 'Alice';

const element = testApp.render('Hello {{ name }}');

expected(element.text()).toEqual('Hello Alice')

The render function accepts any valid AngularJS template. For example you can use an arbitrary HTML code or the components you have defined in your application (you just need to remember to provide module names in the modules parameter of createTestApp).

Asynchronous tests

Let's assume you have the following component defined in your app:

module.component('asyncComponent', {
  template: '<strong>Answer:</strong> {{ $ctrl.answer }}',
  controller(SomeAsyncService) {
    this.$onInit = () => SomeAsyncService.getAsync().then((resp) => { this.answer = resp; });

You can test this component the following way:

const element = testApp.render('<async-component></async-component>');

// at first it contains no answer

// but then the promise resolves and the answer appears
await testApp.eventually(() => expect(element.text().trim()).toEqual('Answer: 42, I promise'));

The eventually function returns a Promise. This Promise is resolved if the provided function eventually passes, and it is rejected if the function fails to pass after several calls.

By default there is no delay between the calls, however it can be configured, which is useful when some services respond with delay. In the example below the assertion will be performed at most 10 times with 200 ms delay between the calls.

await testApp.eventually(
  () => expect(element.text().trim()).toEqual('Answer: 42, I promise'),
  { interval: 200, limit: 10 },

Snapshot tests

The library provides a snapshot serializer for HTML code generated by AngularJS. It removes some of the clutter comments generated by AngularJS and reformats the HTML to be developer-friendly. It works out of the box:

const element = testApp.render('Hello {{ name }}');

In case of an asynchronous component, when the state stabilizes after a few digest cycles, you should make an additional assertion to check if the component is ready. For example:

const element = testApp.render('<async-component></async-component>');

await testApp.eventually(() => expect(element.text()).toContain('42, I promise'));
