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Java Plug-in Framework ☕️


A Common Plugin Framework implemented by Java. Without complex configuration, you can use it now.

Why do I develop it

  • I need a hot deployment system, which support remote update, daemon process, easy configuration, mainly for message processing and ensure that the message is not lost.
  • Osgi is too complex, fully dynamic characteristics is not what I needed most.
  • I think a framework composed by plug-in, the communication between the plug-in via the message is a good idea.
  • So I decided to write a lightweight general framework based on dynamic plugins which communicate via the message.

Quick Start

  • git clone [email protected]:dzh/jframe.git On my pc, the repo is at ~/git/jframe
  • import jframe into eclipse, then "Run as" -> "Maven install" to build on jframe project.
  • cd ~/git/jframe/jframe/jframe-release/jframe, and then ls temp

if there are any *.pid files in temp folder,delete them first

* `bin/jframe.sh start`, maybe you need `chmod +x bin/*.sh`. (If a windows user, use startup.bat)

**Note**: Before to start, modify `vmargs` in config.properties.If running on linux, set `vmargs = ${app.home}/conf/vmargs`, if on windows ,set `vmargs = ${app.home}/conf/vmargs-win`. The default will start three plug-ins:jframe-example-pluin, jframe-swt and jframe-watch.

* `jps -l`, if output similar content, then jframe start successfully.
5516 jframe.launcher.Main // daemon
5517 jframe.launcher.Main // app
You can also see log/*.log, or daemon.pid and app.pid generated in temp folder * `bin/jframe.sh stop` (shutdown.bat), to stop jframe.

About Jframe Manual

  • Jframe's manual is jframe_manual_zh_CN.org in /jframe/doc/ directory.I edit it using Emacs's Org plug-in, and export a html version jframe_manual_zh_CN.html.
  • Online address jframe_manual_zh_CN

Question Contact

[email protected]  (u need join first)
[email protected]                (personal)