Jacek Nowacki

Results 67 comments of Jacek Nowacki

you can turn off the white led, but it won't make camera automatically use the IR and take off ir cut when needed. Also the picture will be purple, because...

one more thing - this camera turns the white led back on randomly when there is darkness

I'm looking for something like that to enable data encryption via some kind of fingerprint hash. Currrently I can lock the application, but the data stored by it is raw...

+1 for merging :)

Use chokidar, the best watching solution for node.js This one seems dead (no answer in 7 months), I've tested many and most of them are buggy/incomplete/etc. Chokidar seems like the...

Oh, btw, it opens the window, but it's empty: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4936805/158366056-1338de91-9df2-444b-a924-ad4bff865c86.png)

@moracabanas I don't have any problem running any other GUI app. I was running them on WSL1, now I'm doing it on WSL2. I run IDE, browser, file explorer, everything...

There was no AppImage when I first try it, now I tried AppImage and i get: ``` dzek@dzek-dell:/mnt/c/Users/dzek$ ./orange_0.0.6_amd64.AppImage orange: error while loading shared libraries: libOpenGL.so.0: cannot open shared object...

I installed `libopengl0` package and now I get: ``` dzek@dzek-dell:/mnt/c/Users/dzek$ ./orange_0.0.6_amd64.AppImage (orange:12364): libappindicator-WARNING **: 14:47:38.157: Unable to get the session bus: Error spawning command line “dbus-launch --autolaunch=095c5d5cb0544228a51ce3ac2b33a92d --binary-syntax --close-stderr”: Child...