Dmitry Zavalishin
Dmitry Zavalishin
That's great! What toolchain is used to bulid it?
An is it possible to test it against MqttUdpViewer?
I was thinking about trying nodemcu with python, and it looks like a good idea. Can you, please, try current python3 code on some micropython device and tell me where...
(Just a reference for me on working with micropython)
Thanx. It seems that for the first try we need to strip off digital signature.
Just try to remove corresponding code line (option set). It is possible that underlying IP stack does not need it.
Can you, please, publish your current code on github for me to take a look? Possibly, best way is to fork this repo, add ``lang/upython`` dir and put it there?
Thanx. I'm trying but no success yet. "MemoryError: memory allocation failed, allocating 72 bytes" on engine import :(
And it is not a mem problem, as I see: ``` gc.mem_free() gc.mem_free() 19200 >>> import mqttudp import mqttudp Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File...