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Time tracking app for GitLab

GitLab Time Tracking

Time tracking app for GitLab



  • Ruby 1.9+
  • Postgresql


Postgresql database:

# Install the database packages
sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-9.1 postgresql-client libpq-dev

# Login to PostgreSQL and create user/database
sudo -u postgres psql -d template1
template1=# CREATE USER your-username CREATEDB;
template1=# CREATE DATABASE gtt_production OWNER your-username;
template1=# \q


Get source code

git clone
cd gitlab-time-tracking  

Setup libs:

bundle install

Edit db ssettings:

cp config/database.yml.postgresql config/database.yml
vim config/database.yml


Create db tables:

bundle exec rake db:setup

Start app on localhost:4567

rake s


Create db tables:

bundle exec rake db:setup RACK_ENV=production

Create tmp and log dirs

mkdir tmp
mkdir tmp/sockets
mkdir tmp/pids
mkdir log

Start unicorn:

bundle exec rake unicorn:production

Install nginx:

sudo apt-get install nginx

Setup nginx http section:

# use the socket we configured in our unicorn.rb
upstream unicorn_server {
  server unix:/path/to/app/tmp/sockets/unicorn.sock;

# configure the virtual host
server {
  # replace with your domain name

  # replace this with your static Sinatra app files, root + public
  root /path/to/app/public;

  # port to listen for requests on
  listen 80;

  location / {
    try_files $uri @app;

  location @app {
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    proxy_redirect off;
    # pass to the upstream unicorn server mentioned above
    proxy_pass http://unicorn_server;