rdiff copied to clipboard
For comparing the differences between files over time
rdiff is a package for comparing versions of a file over time. It is written is Rust, and expects version > 1.17.
To the extent possible under law, rdiff contributors have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to rdiff.
in Cargo.toml
rdiff = "0.1"
In your rust file (taken from examples/predefined.rs):
extern crate rdiff;
use rdiff::BlockHashes;
use std::fs::File;
pub fn example() {
let file = File::open("examples/filev1.txt").unwrap();
let mut hashes = BlockHashes::new(file, 8).unwrap();
let file = File::open("examples/filev2.txt").unwrap();
let difference = hashes.diff_and_update(file).unwrap();
println!("Inserts: {:?}", difference.inserts().collect::<Vec<_>>());
println!("Deletes: {:?}", difference.deletes().collect::<Vec<_>>());
This will output
Inserts: [Insert(8, 'widely understood '), Insert(90, ' absolutely'), Insert(381, 'hters, or sons if the family was progressive.\n'), Insert(572, 'not, even though he had been following the news quite closely.\n\n'), Insert(734, '\nMr. Ben')]
Deletes: [Delete(34, 24), Delete(428, 8), Delete(638, 8), Delete(742, 8)]