Daniel Yule
Daniel Yule
Just realized I called it linear dirichlet allocation in the title. It's Latent Dirichlet Allocation. I constantly get that backwards, but it's right in the code.
If it helps, the only two files that are from LDA and not the rulinalg bump are `examples/lda_gen.rs` and `src/learning/lda.rs`. I don't believe I changed anything else of importance.
I've updated the code to be a little more efficient and documented better.
Thanks for taking the time to review this. I very much appreciate all your comments. I've responded to each of them with my thought process, but I will incorporate them...
The `Transform` trait does in fact seem like an excellent fit. I have only one thought. Currently, the parameterization of `TransformFitter` uses `T` to indicate a `Transformer` whereas the parameterization...
So, I've made the changes promised. I've implemented LDA as a Transformer, which involved allowing them to have different input and output types. I'm happy to switch it back to...
Both approaches have the downside of requiring each module that uses it duplicate the code to do with managing the rng. I can't see any way out of that without...
Hi @flosse, Indeed there are some old dependencies here. I seem to have started using `eventual` just as it was being deprecated, and did't notice. I have a plan to...
Hey @zrneely, my thought for collaboration is this: basically the entire client for wamp-rs is in a single file. I believe, from reading your code, that it could be wholesale...
I do plan to support wss, and as you see, I can indeed get wss simply by including some some optional dependencies. But I haven't spent any time thinking about...