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John Ehlers Indicators - Cycle Analytics for Traders
Sorry been neck deep in projects. Working on John Ehlers indicators from his latest book. Here are a few to get started:
# Supersmoother
# Equation 3-3
function supersmoother(x::Array{Float64}; n::Int64=10)::Array{Float64}
a = exp(-1.414*3.14159 / n)
b = 2 * a * cosd(1.414 * 180 / n)
c2 = b
c3 = -a * a
c1 = 1 - c2 - c3
@assert n<size(x,1) && n>0 "Argument n out of bounds."
Super = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i = 3:length(x)
Super[i] = c1 * (x[i] + x[i-1]) / 2 + c2 * Super[i-1] + c3 * Super[i-2]
return Super
# Decycler 4-1
function decycler(x::Array{Float64}; n::Int64=60)::Array{Float64}
@assert n<size(x,1) && n>0 "Argument n out of bounds."
#Highpass filter cyclic components whose periods are shorter than “cutoff” bars
alpha1 = ((cosd(360 / n) + sind(360 / n) - 1)) / (cosd(360 / n))
Decycle = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i in 2:length(x)
Decycle[i] = (alpha1 / 2)*(x[i] + x[i-1]) + (1- alpha1)*Decycle[i-1]
return Decycle
# Decyler Oscillator 4-2
function Decycle_OSC(x::Array{Float64}; n1::Int64=30, n2::Int64=60)::Array{Float64}
@assert n2<size(x,1) && n2>0 "Argument n out of bounds."
alpha1 = (cosd(.707*360 / n1) + sind(.707*360 / n1) - 1) / cosd(.707*360 / n1)
alpha2 = (cosd(.707*360 / n2) + sind(.707*360 / n2) - 1) / cosd(.707*360 / n2)
HP1 = zeros(x)
HP2 = zeros(x)
Decycle_OSC = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i in 3:length(x)
HP1[i] = (1 - alpha1 / 2)*(1 - alpha1 / 2)*(x[i] - 2*x[i-1] + x[i-2]) + 2*(1 - alpha1)*HP1[i-1] - (1 - alpha1)* (1 - alpha1)*HP1[i-2]
HP2[i] = (1 - alpha2 / 2)*(1 - alpha2 / 2)*(x[i] - 2*x[i-1] + x[i-2]) + 2*(1 - alpha2)*HP2[i-1] - (1 - alpha2)*(1 - alpha2)*HP2[i-2]
Decycle_OSC .= HP2 .- HP1
return Decycle_OSC
When I get a chance I will take a look at the other implementations you made for the RS hurst. Ehlers has a hurst function which is also interesting and maybe of more value than the RS method.
More to come!
You should use triple backticks for code in Github issues
# Band Pass Filter 5-1
function BandPassFilter(x::Array{Float64}; n::Int64=30, bandwidth::Float64=.3)::Array{Float64}
@assert n<size(x,1) && n>0 "Argument n out of bounds."
alpha2 = (cosd(.25*bandwidth*360 / n) + sind(.25*bandwidth*360 / n) - 1) / cosd(.25*bandwidth*360 /n)
beta1 = cosd(360 / n);
gamma1 = 1 / cosd(360*bandwidth / n)
alpha1 = gamma1 - sqrt(gamma1*gamma1 - 1)
HP = zeros(x)
BP = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i in 3:length(x)
HP[i] = (1 + alpha2 / 2)*(x[i] - x[i-1]) + (1- alpha2)*HP[i-1]
BP[i] = .5*(1 - alpha1)*(HP[i] - HP[i-2]) + beta1*(1 + alpha1)*BP[i-1] - alpha1*BP[i-2]
# Signal
Signal = zeros(x)
Peak = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i in 2:length(BP)
Peak[i] = .991*Peak[i-1]
if abs(BP[i]) > Peak[i]
Peak[i] = abs(BP[i])
Signal[i] = BP[i] / Peak[i]
Signal[i] = BP[i] / Peak[i]
# Replace Nan to 0
@inbounds for i in 1:length(Signal)
if isnan(Signal[i]) == 1
Signal[i] = 0.0
Signal[i] = Signal[i]
# Trigger
alpha2 = (cosd(1.5*bandwidth*360 / n) + sind(1.5*bandwidth*360 / n) - 1) / cosd(1.5*bandwidth*360 /n)
BP_Trigger = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i = 2:length(x)
BP_Trigger[i] = (1 + alpha2 / 2)*(Signal[i] - Signal[i-1]) +(1 -alpha2)*BP_Trigger[i-1]
return BP_Trigger
@flare9x Thanks for the idea and for the good head start here. I'm familiar with some of John Ehlers's ideas — I implemented the MESA Adaptive Moving Average way back when I first started this project (function name mama
), so you might want to take a look at that as well?
In the meantime I will try to make some time to get cracking on these other indicators as well. Looking forward to researching some of these, I think a lot of his ideas make a lot of sense so I'm excited to get back to reviewing some of his work and getting these implemented.
Cheers and thanks again!
Your welcome! I am so far cross checking with Mr Ehlers implementation in tradestation and ensure obtaining the same result within Julia (essentially changing tradestation code to Julia). These are designed to have as minimal lag as possible so they are more responsive vs traditional. Look forward to building them out - I have not seen a full implementation yet so be good to have them all coded in this package :)
Had trouble with Code Listing 5-2. Dominant Cycle Measured by Zero Crossings of the Band-Pass Filter - have all correct except for the DC portion of the calculation. Moved on to next and will revisit. Hurst below and same results as Ehlers implementation in his book Cycle analytics for traders.
# Ehlers Hurst 6-1
function hurst(x::Array{Float64}; n::Int64=30,)::Array{Float64}
@assert n<size(x,1) && n>0 "Argument n out of bounds."
@assert iseven(n) "n must be an even number."
half_n = Int64(n/2)
a1 = exp(-1.414*3.14159 / 20) # smoothes by 20 period same as equation 3-3- may wish to make this a argument in the function?
b1 = 2*a1*cosd(1.414*180 / 20) # smoothes by 20 period same as equation 3-3- may wish to make this a argument in the function?
c2 = b1
c3 = -a1*a1
c1 = 1 - c2 - c3
# Find rolling maximum and minimum
HH = zeros(x)
LL = zeros(x)
N3 = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i = n:size(x,1)
HH[i] = maximum(x[i-n+1:i])
LL[i] = minimum(x[i-n+1:i])
N3[i] = (HH[i] - LL[i]) / n
# Rolling min and max half of n
HH = zeros(x)
LL = zeros(x)
N1 = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i = half_n:size(x,1)
HH[i] = maximum(x[i-half_n+1:i])
LL[i] = minimum(x[i-half_n+1:i])
N1[i] = (HH[i] - LL[i]) / half_n
# Set trailing close half of n
HH = [fill(0,half_n); x[1:length(x)-half_n]]
LL = [fill(0,half_n); x[1:length(x)-half_n]]
HH_out = zeros(x)
LL_out = zeros(x)
N2 = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i = half_n:size(x,1)
HH_out[i] = maximum(HH[i-half_n+1:i])
LL_out[i] = minimum(LL[i-half_n+1:i])
N2[i] = (HH_out[i] - LL_out[i])/(half_n)
# Hurst
Dimen = zeros(x)
Hurst = zeros(x)
SmoothHurst = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i = 3:size(x,1)
if N1[i] > 0 && N2[i] > 0 && N3[i] > 0
Dimen[i] = .5*((log(N1[i]+ N2[i]) - log(N3[i])) / log(2) + Dimen[i-1])
Hurst[i] = 2 - Dimen[i]
SmoothHurst[i] = c1*(Hurst[i] + Hurst[i-1]) / 2 + c2*SmoothHurst[i-1]+ c3*SmoothHurst[i-2];
return SmoothHurst
Roofing filters from chapter 7:
# HP-LP Roofing Filter 7-1
function HpLpRoofingFilter(x::Array{Float64})::Array{Float64}
@assert n<size(x,1) && n>0 "Argument n out of bounds."
# Highpass filter cyclic components whose periods are shorter than 48 bars
alpha1 = (cosd(360 / 48) + sind(360 / 48) - 1) / cosd(360 / 48)
HP = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i = 2:size(x,1)
HP[i] = (1 - alpha1 / 2)*(x[i] - x[i-1]) + (1 - alpha1)*HP[i-1]
# Smooth with a Super Smoother Filter from equation 3-3
a1 = exp(-1.414*3.14159 / 10) # may wish to make this an argument in function
b1 = 2*a1*cosd(1.414*180 / 10) # may wish to make this an argument in function
c2 = b1
c3 = -a1*a1
c1 = 1 - c2 - c3
LP_HP_Filt = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i = 3:size(x,1)
LP_HP_Filt[i] = c1*(HP[i] + HP[i-1]) / 2 + c2*LP_HP_Filt[i-1] + c3*LP_HP_Filt[i-2]
return LP_HP_Filt
# zero mean roofing filter 7-2
function ZeroMeanRoofingFilter_one(x::Array{Float64})::Array{Float64}
@assert n<size(x,1) && n>0 "Argument n out of bounds."
# Highpass filter cyclic components whose periods are shorter than 48 bars
alpha1 = (cosd(360 / 48) + sind(360 / 48) - 1) /cosd(360 / 48)
HP = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i = 2:size(data1_c,1)
HP[i] = (1 - alpha1 / 2)*(x[i] - x[i-1]) +(1 - alpha1)*HP[i-1]
#Smooth with a Super Smoother Filter from equation 3-3
a1 = exp(-1.414*3.14159 / 10)
b1 = 2*a1*cosd(1.414*180 / 10)
c2 = b1
c3 = -a1*a1
c1 = 1 - c2 - c3
Zero_Mean_Filt = zeros(x)
Zero_Mean_Filt2 = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i = 3:size(x,1)
Zero_Mean_Filt[i] = c1*(HP[i] + HP[i-1]) / 2 + c2*Zero_Mean_Filt[i-1] + c3*Zero_Mean_Filt[i-2]
Zero_Mean_Filt2[i] = (1 - alpha1 / 2)*(Filt[i] - Filt[i-1]) + (1 - alpha1)*Filt2[i-1]
return Zero_Mean_Filt
function ZeroMeanRoofingFilter_two(x::Array{Float64})::Array{Float64}
@assert n<size(x,1) && n>0 "Argument n out of bounds."
# Highpass filter cyclic components whose periods are shorter than 48 bars
alpha1 = (cosd(360 / 48) + sind(360 / 48) - 1) /cosd(360 / 48)
HP = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i = 2:size(data1_c,1)
HP[i] = (1 - alpha1 / 2)*(x[i] - x[i-1]) +(1 - alpha1)*HP[i-1]
#Smooth with a Super Smoother Filter from equation 3-3
a1 = exp(-1.414*3.14159 / 10)
b1 = 2*a1*cosd(1.414*180 / 10)
c2 = b1
c3 = -a1*a1
c1 = 1 - c2 - c3
Zero_Mean_Filt = zeros(x)
Zero_Mean_Filt2 = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i = 3:size(x,1)
Zero_Mean_Filt[i] = c1*(HP[i] + HP[i-1]) / 2 + c2*Zero_Mean_Filt[i-1] + c3*Zero_Mean_Filt[i-2]
Zero_Mean_Filt2[i] = (1 - alpha1 / 2)*(Zero_Mean_Filt[i] - Zero_Mean_Filt[i-1]) + (1 - alpha1)*Zero_Mean_Filt2[i-1]
return Zero_Mean_Filt2
# Roofing filter as indicator 7-3
function RoofingFilterIndicator(x::Array{Float64}; n1::Int64=40,n2::Int64=80)::Array{Float64}
@assert n<size(x,1) && n>0 "Argument n out of bounds."
LPPeriod = n1
HPPeriod = n2
#Highpass filter cyclic components whose periods are shorter than 48 bars
alpha1 = (cosd(.707*360 / HPPeriod) + sind(.707*360 /HPPeriod) - 1) / cosd(.707*360 / HPPeriod)
HP = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i = 3:length(x)
HP[i] = (1 - alpha1 / 2)*(1 - alpha1 / 2)*(x[i] - 2*x[i-1] + x[i-2]) + 2*(1 - alpha1)*HP[i-1] - (1 - alpha1)*(1 - alpha1)*HP[i-2]
#Smooth with a Super Smoother Filter from equation 3-3
a1 = exp(-1.414*3.14159 / LPPeriod)
b1 = 2*a1*cosd(1.414*180 / LPPeriod)
c2 = b1
c3 = -a1*a1
c1 = 1 - c2 - c3
Roof_filt_Indicator = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i = 3:length(x)
Roof_filt_Indicator[i] = c1*(HP[i] + HP[i-1]) / 2 + c2*Roof_filt_Indicator[i-1] + c3*Roof_filt_Indicator[i-2]
return Roof_filt_Indicator
Modified stochastic:
# Modified Stochastic 7-4
function ModifiedStochastic(x::Array{Float64}; n::Int64=20)::Array{Float64}
@assert n<size(x,1) && n>0 "Argument n out of bounds."
#Highpass filter cyclic components whose periods are shorter than 48 bars
alpha1 = (cosd(.707*360 / 48) + sind(.707*360 / 48) - 1) /cosd(.707*360 / 48)
HP = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i = 3:size(x,1)
HP[i] = (1 - alpha1 / 2)*(1 - alpha1 / 2)*(x[i] - 2*x[i-1]+ x[i-2]) + 2*(1 - alpha1)*HP[i-1] - (1 - alpha1)*(1 -alpha1)*HP[i-2]
#Smooth with a Super Smoother Filter from equation 3-3
a1 = exp(-1.414*3.14159 / 10)
b1 = 2*a1*cosd(1.414*180 / 10)
c2 = b1
c3 = -a1*a1
c1 = 1 - c2 - c3
Filt = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i = 3:size(x,1)
Filt[i] = c1*(HP[i] + HP[i-1]) / 2 + c2*Filt[i-1] + c3*Filt[i-2]
# Highest and lowest filt over n width
HighestC = zeros(x)
LowestC = zeros(x)
Stoc = zeros(x)
MyStochastic = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i = n:size(x,1)
HighestC[i] = maximum(Filt[i-n+1:i])
LowestC[i] = minimum(Filt[i-n+1:i])
Stoc[i] = (Filt[i] - LowestC[i]) / (HighestC[i] - LowestC[i])
MyStochastic[i] = c1*(Stoc[i] + Stoc[i-1]) / 2 + c2*MyStochastic[i-1] + c3*MyStochastic[i-2]
return MyStochastic
Modified RSI
# Modified RSI 7-5
function ModifiedRSI(x::Array{Float64}; n::Int64=10)::Array{Float64}
@assert n<size(x,1) && n>0 "Argument n out of bounds."
#Highpass filter cyclic components whose periods areshorter than 48 bars
alpha1 = (cosd(.707*360 / 48) + sind(.707*360 / 48) - 1) /cosd(.707*360 / 48)
HP = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i =3:size(x,1)
HP[i] = (1 - alpha1 / 2)*(1 - alpha1 / 2)*(x[i] - 2*x[i-1] +x[i-2]) + 2*(1 - alpha1)*HP[i-1] - (1 - alpha1)*(1 -alpha1)*HP[i-2]
#Smooth with a Super Smoother Filter from equation 3-3
a1 = exp(-1.414*3.14159 / 10)
b1 = 2*a1*cosd(1.414*180 / 10)
c2 = b1
c3 = -a1*a1
c1 = 1 - c2 - c3
Filt = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i = 3:size(x,1)
Filt[i] = c1*(HP[i] + HP[i-1]) / 2 + c2*Filt[i-1] + c3*Filt[i-2]
ClosesUp = zeros(x)
ClosesDn = zeros(x)
filtdiff = zeros(x)
posDiff= zeros(x)
negDiff= zeros(x)
# pos and neg diffs
@inbounds for i = 2:size(x,1)
# difference
filtdiff[i] = Filt[i] - Filt[i-1]
if filtdiff[i] > 0
posDiff[i] = filtdiff[i]
elseif filtdiff[i] < 0
negDiff[i] = abs(filtdiff[i])
# Running Sums of Filt
posSum = zeros(x)
negSum = zeros(x)
denom = zeros(x)
rsi= zeros(x)
@inbounds for i = n:size(x,1)
posSum[i] = sum(posDiff[i-n+1:i])
negSum[i] = sum(negDiff[i-n+1:i])
denom[i] = posSum[i]+negSum[i]
MyRSI = zeros(x)
@inbounds for i = 3:size(x,1)
if denom != 0 && denom[i-1] != 0
MyRSI[i] = c1*(posSum[i] /denom[i] + posSum[i-1] / denom[i-1]) / 2 + c2*MyRSI[i-1] +c3*MyRSI[i-2]
return MyRSI
I'l now continue to update the file here + TO DO list.
You might start your code blocks using:
so it will be highlight as Julia code
You should create a package for that (not just a gist)
For Julia 0.6 see For Julia 0.7 and above see (more precisely ) and
That will be nice if you could from Tradestation both output (as csv) some input data and values of several indicators (also as CSV)
So those values could be used as unit tests.
Thanks for the suggestion! Although not sure if its adding more than what can be done in this package. I am working on other things such as candlesticks etc.. I either do that or @dysonance doesn't mind me contributing to it here! Whatever works
Thanks for the suggestion! Although not sure if its adding more than what can be done in this package. I am working on other things such as candlesticks etc.. I either do that or @dysonance doesn't mind me contributing to it here! Whatever works
Please, keep up the good work. Thank you!
Still looking for some help? Happy to collaborate!
@flare9x Absolutely! Any effort you can give is welcome with open arms. Feel free to fork the repo and open a pull request with any improvements or additions if that works for you. Let me know if I can provide any guidance and/or what I can do to make the collaboration process easier.
Hey I just saw this thread. I did some implementations of Ehler's work a while ago if anyone is interested:
Exponential moving average (EMA)
function ema(pₜ::AbstractVector{T}, α::Real=.07) where {T<:Real}
@assert length(pₜ)>1 "pₜ must not be a singleton."
cα = 1-α
maₜ = zeros(length(pₜ))
maₜ[1] = pₜ[1]
@inbounds for t in 2:length(pₜ)
maₜ[t] = α*pₜ[t] + cα*maₜ[t-1]
Ehlers Fisher Transform
Transforms the PDF of the input to approximately Gaussian
source: pp. 3, Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures by John Ehlers
fisher(pₜ) = .5*log((1+pₜ)/(1-pₜ))
Ehlers Generalized Linear DSP Filter.
Degree of two (`wₒ` like [wₒ₂, wₒ₁, 0] where wₒ₂>0, wₒ₁>0) is recommended by Ehlers for recursive filters.
All array inputs (including weight arrays `wᵢ`, `wₒ`) are in ascending time order.
Filter components are added instead of subtracted (as in the book) so that the filter weights in the indicator implementations exactly match Ehlers's code. Ehlers usually adds the components instead of subtracting when building filters even though in
the provided reference he subtracts.
source: pp. 11, Cycle Analytics for Traders by John Ehlers
function dsp!(fₜ, pₜ, wᵢ, wₒ)
τ = length(wᵢ)
@assert τ == length(wₒ)
for t in τ:length(pₜ)
nonrec = sum(wᵢ .* pₜ[t-τ+1:t])
rec = sum(wₒ .* fₜ[t-τ+1:t])
fₜ[t] = nonrec + rec
function dsp(pₜ, wᵢ, wₒ)
dsp!(zeros(length(pₜ)), pₜ, wᵢ, wₒ)
Generalized Smoothing / Non-Recursive Filter.
dsp(pₜ, wᵢ) = slidedot(pₜ, wᵢ)
Ehlers Symmetric Low Pass Finite Impluse Response (FIR) Filter.
This is a WMA with weights like `[1, 2, ..., 2, 1]`
source: pp. 33, Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures by John Ehlers
function symlowpass(pₜ, τ::Integer=4)
w = repeat([2], τ)
w[begin] = w[end] = 1
dsp(pₜ, w) ./ sum(w)
Simple Momentum
function simplemom(pₜ, τ::Integer=2)
momₜ = zeros(size(pₜ))
for t in 1+τ:length(pₜ)
momₜ[t] = 2pₜ[t] - pₜ[t-τ]
Ehlers Instantaneous Trendline Filter
source: pp. 24, Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures by John Ehlers
function itrend(pₜ, α::Real=.07)
# Initialize first 7 bars to shorten convergence time:
tₒ = 7
trendₜ = zeros(length(pₜ))
trendₜ[begin:tₒ] = symlowpass(pₜ[begin:tₒ], 3)
α² = α^2
wᵢ = [-(α-.75α²), .5α², α-.25α²]
wₒ = [-(1-α)^2, 2(1-α), 0]
dsp!(trendₜ, pₜ, wᵢ, wₒ)
Ehlers Instantaneous Trendline Strategy
source: pp. 26, Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures by John Ehlers
function itrend_xostrat(pₜ, α::Real=.07, τ::Integer=2)
trendₜ = itrend(pₜ, α)
momₜ = simplemom(trendₜ, τ)
buyₜ = crossover(momₜ, trendₜ)
sellₜ = crossover(trendₜ, momₜ)
buyₜ, sellₜ
Ehlers Cyber Cycle Indicator
source: pp. 34, Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures by John Ehlers
function cybercycle(pₜ, α::Real=.07)
# Initialize first 7 bars to shorten convergence time:
tₒ = 7
ccₜ = zeros(length(pₜ))
ccₜ[begin:tₒ] = dsp(pₜ[begin:tₒ], [1, -2, 1]) ./ 4
β = (1 - .5α)^2
wᵢ = β * ([1, -2, 1])
wₒ = [-(1-α)^2, 2(1-α), 0]
dsp!(ccₜ, symlowpass(pₜ), wᵢ, wₒ)
Ehlers Cyber Cycle Trading Strategy
Signals are generated from signal[t] and signal[t-1] crossovers
source: pp. 38, Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures by John Ehlers
function cybercycle_xostrat(pₜ, α::Real=.07, τ::Integer=9)
ccₜ = cybercycle(pₜ, α)
α₂ = 1 / (τ + 1)
signalₜ = ema(ccₜ, α₂)
signalₜ₋₁ = signalₜ[begin:end-1]
signalₜ = signalₜ[begin+1:end]
buyₜ = crossover(signalₜ₋₁, signalₜ)
sellₜ = crossover(signalₜ, signalₜ₋₁)
insert!(buyₜ, 1, false)
insert!(sellₜ, 1, false)
buyₜ, sellₜ
Ehlers Center of Gravity (CG) Oscillator
source: pp. 49, Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures by John Ehlers
function cg(pₜ, τ::Integer=10)
cgratio = dsp(pₜ, 1:τ) ./ slidesum(pₜ, τ)
-cgratio .+ ((τ+1)/2)
Ehlers Relative Vigor Index
source: pp. 58, Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures by John Ehlers
function rvi(oₜ, hₜ, lₜ, cₜ, τ::Integer=10)
co = slidesum(symlowpass(cₜ .- oₜ), τ)
hl = slidesum(symlowpass(hₜ .- lₜ), τ)
co ./ hl
function rvi(ohlcₜ::AbstractMatrix, τ::Integer=10)
rvi(ohlcₜ[:, 1], ohlcₜ[:, 2], ohlcₜ[:, 3], ohlcₜ[:, 4], τ)
Ehlers Relative Vigor Index - Adaptive
function arvi()
Ehlers Super Smoother Filter
source: pp. 33, Cycle Analytics for Traders by John Ehlers
function supersmooth(pₜ, τ::Integer=10)
α = ℯ^(-π√2/τ)
α² = α^2
β = 2α*cosd(180√2/τ)
c = 1 - β + α²
dsp(pₜ, .5c*([0, 1, 1]), [-α², β, 0])
Ehlers Super Smoother Crossover Strat
τ₁ > τ₂: trend following
τ₁ < τ₂: mean reversion
function supersmooth_xostrat(pₜ, τ₁::Integer=3, τ₂::Integer=7)
fastₜ = supersmooth(pₜ, τ₁)
slowₜ = supersmooth(pₜ, τ₂)
buyₜ = crossover(fastₜ, slowₜ)
sellₜ = crossover(slowₜ, fastₜ)
buyₜ, sellₜ
Ehlers Decycler Oscillator Strat
source: pp. 41, Cycle Analytics for Traders by John Ehlers
function decycler(pₜ, f::Integer=60)
α = (cosd(360/f) + sind(360/f) - 1) / cosd(360/f)
wᵢ = [.5α, .5α]
wₒ = [1-α, 0]
dsp(pₜ, wᵢ, wₒ)
Ehlers Decycler Oscillator
source: pp. 44, Cycle Analytics for Traders by John Ehlers
function decycler_osc(pₜ, f₁::Integer=30, f₂::Integer=60)
function decyclercomp(pₜ, f::Integer)
c = (√2/2)*360
α = (cosd(c/f) + sind(c/f) - 1) / cosd(c/f)
β = (1 - .5α)^2
wᵢ = [β, -2β, β]
wₒ = [-(1-α)^2, 2(1-α), 0]
dsp(pₜ, wᵢ, wₒ)
decyclercomp(pₜ, f₂) .- decyclercomp(pₜ, f₁)
Ehlers Roofing Filter
The Roofing Filter is a wide bandwidth bandpass filter,
combining a wide high pass filter with a wide low pass (supersmoother) filter.
For reference Ehlers's example sets the pass band periods from 10 bars to 48 bars.
The theory is the high pass filter removes irrelevant low frequency components
and the low pass filter removes aliasing noise from sampling at the wrong frequency.
source: pp. 78, Cycle Analytics for Traders by John Ehlers
function roof(pₜ, τₗ::Integer=10, τₕ::Integer=48)
α = (cosd(360/τₕ) + sind(360/τₕ) - 1) / cosd(360/τₕ)
wᵢ₀ = 1 - α/2
hpₜ = dsp(pₜ, wᵢ₀*([-1, 1]), [1-α, 0])
supersmooth(hpₜ, τₗ)
Alternate Roofing Filter used for Autocorrelation Periodogram
source: pp. 94-98, 103-109 Cycle Analytics for Traders by John Ehlers
function roof_acp(pₜ, τₗ::Integer=10, τₕ::Integer=48)
α = (cosd((.5√2)*360/τₕ) + sind((.5√2)*360/τₕ) - 1) / cosd((.5√2)*360/τₕ)
wᵢ = (1 - α/2)^2 * ([1, -2, 1])
wₒ = [-(1-α)^2, 2(1-α), 0]
hpₜ = dsp(pₜ, wᵢ, wₒ)
supersmooth(hpₜ, τₗ)