darklens icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
darklens copied to clipboard

Lightweight container viewer.

darklens logo

docker logs and docker inspect in an easy to use GUI

Use cases

  • SSH-less Container Monitoring: You can add as many components of your infrastructure as you like, and check up on the services running in one place without SSH access.
  • Centralized View for Container Management: One user-friendly interface to analyze logs and container configs.
  • Goodbye JSON (Hello UI): Quickly interpretable UI to spare you from untangling data in JSON about your containers.

Getting started

  1. Enter docker run -p 8000:8000 -p 5000:5000 --name darklens -d ghcr.io/dyrector-io/darklens:latest in terminal
  2. Open localhost:8000 in browser
  3. Enjoy!


Settings provides various configuration options for running darklens, tailor your darklens deployment to your needs with these settings.

Start without Authorization

Launch Darklens without any authentication or authorization checks. Ideal for quick testing and development.

docker run -p 8000:8000 -p 5000:5000 -e DISABLE_AUTH=true --name darklens -d ghcr.io/dyrector-io/darklens:latest

Select a stronger JWT secret

Enhance security by specifying a custom JWT secret for authentication.

docker run -p 8000:8000 -p 5000:5000 -e JWT_SECRET=supersecret --name darklens -d ghcr.io/dyrector-io/darklens:latest

Run on a public domain

Configure darklens to run on a public domain with options for specifying a public URL and agent address.

docker run -p 8000:8000 -p 5000:5000 -e PUBLIC_URL=example.com AGENT_ADDRESS=example.com:5000 --name darklens -d ghcr.io/dyrector-io/darklens:latest

Note: Agents require gRPC port 5000 to connect to the service

Persist data

Ensure data persistence by using Docker volumes to store Darklens data.

docker run -p 8000:8000 -p 5000:5000 -v darklens-data:/var/lib/darklens --name darklens -d ghcr.io/dyrector-io/darklens:latest

Agent install

  1. Click on the empty card with a plus icon to add a new node
  2. Enter a name for your node and click Save
    • This'll be the name of the agent running as a container on your node
  3. On the right side of the screen, select whether you'd like to install the agent with a Shell (UNIX) or a PowerShell (Windows) script

Note: Shell scripts might not work on Windows using Git Bash.

  1. Generate the script and copy & paste it into Shell or PowerShell. Press enter to install the agent
  2. When node status turns green, you're ready to use darklens

Note: Agents connect to the host defined in their JWT token (GRPC_TOKEN environment), by default the AGENT_ADDRESS backend environment variable is used, but users can override this value on the UI.


  1. Setup backend

    1. Go to web/backend
    2. Run npm i
    3. Copy .env.example to .env
  2. Setup frontend

    1. Go to web/frontend
    2. Run npm i
    3. Copy .env.example to .env
  3. Setup development Traefik

    1. Go to web
    2. Run docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yaml up
  4. Develop

    1. Go to web/backend and run npx prisma migrate dev to apply migrations then start using npm start
    2. Go to web/frontend and run npm start
    3. The app will be available on localhost:8000

Make sure the dev-traefik container is running as it routes the traffic between the frontend and the backend

Contact us

If you experience any issues, feel free to reach out to us on Discord.